Stani@stani·Dec 28

What would you wish to see happen with Lens during 2024? Features? Apps? Networks? Would like to hear from users

  • Masoud@cryptico·Jan 05

    You know the answer Stani😁

    • will appreciate if lenscan shows transactions as they happen just like every explorer does almost immediately.

      • Edward@robinn351·Jan 01

        Live stream native support

        • Karim@0xkarim·Dec 31

          an idle game built on top of lens that has gud ponzinomics (so people actually come and play)

          or, a concept defi protocol that gives out loans/whatever at improved rates to people with a healthy lens social graph

          • spoilers@spoilers·Dec 30


            • Pan Winyl@panwinyl·Dec 29

              I would very much like to create a team of people with me to help me develop my musicverse concept 😄

              • Flask@flask·Dec 29

                One good client. One good client. One good client. One good client. One good client. One good client. One good client.

                • Enissay@enissay·Dec 29

                  As Lenster is the most used one, maybe some comprehensive short list of all apps integrated on Lens ecosystem, something we could see on the timeline while scrolling, like ads! It would help a ton navigate the Lens ecosystem and also help other apps get more traction 🔥

                  • Arpachinou@arpachinou·Dec 29

                    Big airdrop

                    • snap integration.

                      • handle changes implemented ig

                        • TsiMaN@tsiman·Dec 29

                          App, marketing, free access, tokens !

                          • Dennise@dennise·Dec 29


                            • $Lens

                              • BiLee@spoverin·Dec 29


                                • More KOL and stars~

                                  • Emmynoel@emmynoel·Dec 29

                                    Obviously going multi chain and creating a DAO SIR.

                                    • Jablo@jablomy·Dec 29

                                      More ways to level up. Maybe online time should somehow be measured into a point

                                      • a better system for troubleshooting/tech support where we can formally submit issues and perhaps check on the status of the potential fixes from the devs. right now there is some chaos dealing with this between here, twitter, discord and telegram and as a result some issues end up getting lost in the mix. personally, i would feel better submitting an issue and being able to check back on the status instead of potentially bothering the devs by tagging them everywhere. 🙏

                                        • I wish I could write articles directly into Lens. Like we could use Artificial Intelligence to summarize and if people click they get to see the whole article! And collect right on Lens.

                                          • SaLi 🪴@itsali·Dec 29

                                            Live stream native support

                                            • Livestreams

                                              Spaces with the option to record

                                              Marketplace (similar to fb one)

                                              Stories (similar to IG)

                                              Crypto dashboards integrated

                                              Web3 news / updates

                                              Read my feed AI tool

                                              Lens community voting power

                                              More support to creators/projects (not talking about points)

                                              Lens kinda of POAPs

                                              Lens live radio

                                              Lens TV

                                              Lens calendar with option to list our IRL or online/onchain events

                                              And on and on 👀👀

                                              • More interoperability with Lens profile out of the Lens ecosystem, in this case multi-chain features seem to be necessary. One profile can be bound to several wallets on several networks

                                                • Nate Mueller@natem·Dec 28

                                                  We need an app with TikTok type creator tools built in 🤞🤞🥲

                                                  • Andy@itsmeandyyy·Dec 28

                                                    multichain and DAO

                                                    • Watcher@watchereth·Dec 28

                                                      Multichain please. Preferably within the EVM.

                                                      Also (you don’t have any influence over this but) more creative ideas from builders.

                                                      Go for the easy calls just don’t try to copy what’s already here.

                                                      Oh and last but not least no more twitter clones please they all suck!

                                                      • Chris Malize@cmalize·Dec 28

                                                        Multichain, great UI, interoperability

                                                          • Integration with other apps that do not necessarily belong to the Lens ecosystem.

                                                          • An app aimed only at "advanced posts". I explain: due to the possibilities of conditioning a post to several factors - token gate, tokens enabled to collect an item, open actions, comment possibilities (only those who have an NFT or a quantity of tokens can comment) etc - the creation of these conditions demand a complex and specialized UX, so it doesn't make sense to implement this in apps aimed at reading. I believe that apps aimed at reading, commenting, collecting, mirroring, etc., should just use an interface that would display the conditions inherent to the post.

                                                          • AlicΞ@punkess·Dec 28

                                                            1️⃣ I’d 🤍 to see some moonshot apps and applications for open actions. Bold concepts, mvps, … whatever people comes to mind.
                                                            Maybe some end to end prototype for a irl or fictional company how to leverage @Lensprotocol full scale.
                                                            Imo the success of @lensprotocol is to a large extend dependent on projects and companies building on top of the lens social graph.

                                                            2️⃣ a “feature” / approach that allows bundling lens collects into collections. Ideally for existing collects but especially for future ones.
                                                            Maybe collects aren’t “NFTs” (from a user perspectives) but closer to POAPs. In this case I think apps like @blitzapp will be very interesting. (Imo @blitzapp is a very interesting app anyways :-))

                                                            3️⃣ a sustainable community x artists x devs x hackathon x apps ecosystem virtuous cycle. I think simple approaches like the @orbapp app feedback community are a great first step.
                                                            Especially hackathons “seem” to have some room for improvement. (I can’t think of a single lens app started during a hackathon 2023. Not sure if there are a lot more from 2022 - except @hey of course.)

                                                            • Avalyn@avalyn·Dec 28

