Stani@stani·Nov 24

Whats missing from web3 wallets? What would you like to see?

  • Not Satoshi@devtools·Nov 26

    The biggest web3 wallet #MetaMask still have worse UI.

    • longwalks@longwalks·Nov 26

      as humanly readable as possible

      • longwalks@longwalks·Nov 26

        -build in wallet protect. every wallet should protect from bad contracts by default.

        • Mesut@mesutgulecen·Nov 25

          Account abstraction

          • Nikoemme@nikoemme·Nov 25

            I think messages like coinbase wallet do , notifications ,good browser built in, automatic chain detection are the keys to success . Good design and speed are important too .

            • @jamesfinnerty mentioned very well

              • Human Readable Transactions. There is a lot of improvement on this but it’s more and more necessary

                • I don't want to see too many integrations, actually.

                  • XMTP messaging like @jamesfinnerty has mentioned was great
                  • integration of a tool like Wallet Guard or Fire but more seamless, so that I don't need an extra extension and no need for an additional pop up
                  • automatic detention of the chain I'm on. more Rainbow, less Metamask so to speak
                  • integration of a DeFi aggregator (ok, most wallets provide this)
                  • whitelist of URLs (e.g. DeFi, NFT marketplaces,...
                  • add custom networks
                  • test networks
                  • direct links to faucets (e.g. I'm on OP Sepolia and need ETH; maybe an aggregator was cool)
                  • a simple NFT viewer
                  • a simple way to transfer (multiple) NFTs
                  • a good address book (something like @converseapp is doing)

                  some of the features exist across different wallets. I don't want a super app, though. I don't media players, an app like @interfacelabs is on the right track here.

                  • Papa Dari@papadari·Nov 25

                    Integration with messaging protocols such as XMTP

                    • Rsvd@rsvd1·Nov 25

                      Fixed deposit.

                      • AlicΞ@punkess·Nov 25

                        integrated tax reporting

                        • XMTP messaging, audio and video playback, glTF support, widget support to display NFT collections.

                          • kz@vanns·Nov 25

                            clean/burn all spammers 😅

                            Comment by @vanns
                            • more ETH.

                              • My experience is limited to metamask, but I believe that the wallet that adds the sending of messages/chat (to other addresses) and the detailing of transaction and investment information from a debank, will have some use beyond validating transactions... Ah ! Not to mention viewing and cataloging NFTs... 😁

                                • We're listening ^^

                                  Comment by @0xminervawallet