Stani@stani·Nov 08

How do Ubers work in Istanbul, are they reliable? I keep hearing to avoid taxis as they might hustle. Set a collect fee in your comment and will collect the best answers

  • Simone@simone·Nov 10

    Arrange private car with the hotel

    • pipi@88700·Nov 09

      They may scam u

      • Juampi@juampi·Nov 09

        One of my team mates lived 40 years on Istanbul and said Ubers are ok. The problem is traffic, in which case you will need to use public transport

        • Stani@stani·Nov 09

          damn I forgot that Momoka posts do not support yet on-chain collectible comments (soon!)

          • defifury@defifury·Nov 08

            Warm greetings to all Lens frens in Instnabul 💚

            • Ruthless@ruthless·Nov 08

              Jab, right cross followed by a left hook gets the job done in most use cases.

              • Pretty sure you can handle the hustle. Give em a peek of Lens and a free sign up

                • GeryP@blocktorch·Nov 08

                  drivers should have a lens profile with the driver's reputation onchain 💫 trusting the frens on lens

                  • d3rwisj@d3rwisj·Nov 08

                    Posting from Orb so not sure how to add collect on replies. Nevertheless, great to be of service @stani

                    • d3rwisj@d3rwisj·Nov 08

                      Here is also a comprehensive list to common Scams in Istanbul, taxi-wise. Take them into consideration and I am sure you'll do fine. 😉,a%20healthy%20level%20of%20suspicion.

                      • d3rwisj@d3rwisj·Nov 08

                        They were there, and than gone again. Blocked by government, a lot of tensions between cab services and uber. Evidently. Now they have their license running again but only through regular taxis if I believe. For bigger vans you need 'Black Taxi'. I'm guessing there is an app for that top, or possible through uber even possibly. Uber is not the only mobile application that you can call for a cab or vehicle, there are also Uber alternative applications in Istanbul such as Bitaksi and Itaksi, which are the applications mostly used by locals in need of a yellow taxi.

                        • Melike@melikebarut·Nov 08

                          Uber is taxis in Istanbul. Try superapp "Getir"
                          There is a taxi, grocery, food and lots of things in it. But there is no certain price in there. It's gives avarage price but its much better than directly call a cap from random place
