Stani@stani·Jul 27

What do you all think of @lenspeer.lens.lens ?

  • Dinh Tran@spectree·Jul 29

    Hello, Stani. I've been learning about V2 a lot. I found it quite interesting. I feel like you're trying to do something big in there. I hope you will make Lens explode in the near future. I will always by your side. Good Luck !

    • Arhum@invalid·Jul 28

      It's ui same as twitter 😅

      • Muaddib@muaddib·Jul 28

        Very smooth experience, missing tue dark mode but its impression honestly, one year of Lens and already have a web2 equivalent is awesome!

        • need of the hour as it feels same like twitter

          • @ljdqwd·Jul 28

            I think it looks good

            • g3n3@r33pich33p·Jul 28

              The UI is a little buggy. Can't comment on the videos in the watch area. But it looks decent overall. We'll see how the internal wallet function evolves for new use cases. Thanks for making me aware of it.

              • Ozymandias@ozymandias·Jul 27

                we need dark mode :)

                • pedro@pedrovilela·Jul 27

                  the interface is very similar to twitter, which is cool, but it could be improved 🌿

                  and i miss a dark mode 🫣

                  • Ryan Fox@ryanfox·Jul 27

                    Been trying to figure out if there’s anything special behind the explore feed. I seem to really benefit from it more than in other apps, but can’t tell if it’s a placebo effect or not. 🤔

                    • mohammad@mohammad66·Jul 27

                      good project
