Stani@stani·Jul 23

If a government would have in very limited scope commodities, services and products they could charge its citizens to substitute money printing, what could these be?

If such commodities would provide enough return, there would not be the need to create government debt by printing currency

  • kevin ◱ ◱@aavbb·Jul 24

    so good

    • The Wizard King@zkjew·Jul 23

      Governments are incentivized to grow and control a population tho

      • The biggest benefit of inflation is for a country to print money to spend on resources in a war. So I feel like this question misses the point, as there would very much so be a reason for a government to build debt regardless of returns on commodities.

        • yoooo

          • TheLonelyJedi@kazi-·Jul 23

            The purpose of the money printing is to introduce new supply of cash into the economy so the banking system in turn can lend out the funds in multiples (M2,M3 etc) at lower rates or so the govt. Can produce direct cash stimulus to the citizens to be "spent" on the economy. Charging citizens for commodities, services, and products thus would not work as that will only circulate the existing cash (that the citizens already have very low supply of in terms of savings or borrowing capacity).

            • Of course, governments have complex financial policies
