Do you use the Explore section on Lenster and what about discovery sections on other apps like Orb, Phaver, Buttrfly what do you like about the discovery? Where can be improved? Appreciate the feedback 🙏
Never using it on Lenster no, I think because:
What can be improved: content type is mixed. Would sometimes love to see only crypto stuff, and some other times only art. Music discovery on Orb is great IMO, I can listen while browsing through the app.
I don’t ever use it. Just find new people to follow based on likes, comments and mirrors.
great thread for understanding user behavior! I think we have to work a lot at new content discovery side!
cc: @kipto.lens
I wish it provided content DoS out of followings rather then catered content.
I highly believe in content based recommendations.
The following centric feed (posts, comments, mirrors from followings only) is an awesome #lens feature - imo no need for social graph based recommendations.
BUT content based discovery might add a lot of value, unfortunately it’s pretty challenging to do it right. Especially considering the few data points available on lens.
That’s where @datetime.lens might help. If @datetime.lens will work - “everyone” collects the free or paid 🤍 category posts according to one’s interests - a huge amount of micro communities will be created.
-> a ton of web3 native data points (NFTs) available to create amazing recommendations including the tiniest niche most probably not reflected in “normal” data driven (ml/ai) recommendations.
I check it sometimes on Orb but feel like it’s quite similar to my regular feed. Maybe just overall not so many active accounts on lens yet and I’m following most of them already.
I rarely use it. But in general, in Lenster, the content in the explore tab is quite repeated with content that I had already seen in my timeline. I don't use any "crypto apps" on mobile... I personally like how new content is introduced via comments, likes and timeline mirrors, but I have a feeling that there is more content that I am not exposed to 🙂 Apps like Pinsta and Collectz, because they are focused on images, often show me new things, but I don't have the habit of accessing them daily.
I prefer to you explore on Lenstube as it categorise more specific in topics, while Lenster, Phaver or Orb are unoptimised as you see posts mixing with each other.
Quite messy tbh.
I often use the explore section yep it’s really good and I usually use orb as well
I personally use explore section and it's place where I find amazing content on Lens
I almost never use explore/discover sections because I don’t get the content I would like or read. I like to use it only for music discovery, but that also is probably same for everyone on Lens, it’s not tailored to me?
I don’t always remember to use Explore, but I enjoy it when I do! And I like how everything is broken down into content categories.
No, I just reply on people's mirrors/comments for new stuff to show up haha
To be honest, No!
I rarely use it to see more posts, but since it's a feedback post so I decide to bring something up here as a user who loves Lens.
In the Explorer section I just need a advance search options which it dosen't exist (as far as I know), even in the sh*tty bird app, I explore just for something that I want to read more about it, a certain keyword (or a short sentence) form a certain account or random ones (which in the bird app is like "from: @userID anything)
There are some other useful advance search options, but I use this one more, but anyway I think it should be added into the Lens Protocol.
btw, if it already exist, just please refer me to an article or something like that to learn more about it 🙂 🌿
God, I just realized there's an Explore section at the top of the page. Thanks! 😆
Gonna come back with my experiences.