If you are building something new in DeFi, feel free to DM me, happy to brainstorm how Aave Protocol could be useful to achieve capital efficiency or other valuable features
Apparently Lens has potential to become a reputation source for any defi protocols to make a credit loan
Not building, but I regularly think about how some efficient, decentralized p2p fiat <-> crypto on-off ramp protocol would preserve our privacy and freedom in the near future ..
Lawmakers seem to be looking at future frameworks with other priorities in mind.
So, might be useful 😐
Want to build something I have in mind which will leverage Aave but I'm not a Dev... Sigh
When summer is around the corner, you know what's gonna happen in DeFi...
Want to build something I have in mind which will leverage Aave but I'm not a Dev... Sigh
We built the "MIVA Streaming Farms" a while ago, a way to give liquidity providers an incentive to lock their LP tokens and getting their reward back in a continuous @superfluid.lens MIVA stream.
You place your LP token in the farm, you get an NFT back and whoever holds the NFT gets the reward stream (ofc you can return the NFT and get your LP token back). The NFTs are transferable/tradeable, so a new owner receives the reward stream and gets control over the placed liquidity. NFTs can be leveled up after specific timeframes to increase the flowrate.
Take a look at farm.minerva.digital/
With the current farms about to reach the end of their secured/promised lifespan, we're in the preparation of opening new farms. As well as a "V2" approach with an overhauled UI and new features.
Is "new" enough or does it have to be useful as well? 😆