Stani@stani·Mar 20

Feedback time! What do you like about Lens as a protocol? within the apps/integrators and experience? what do you don’t like? honest feedback needed :)

  • dani@danish55562947·May 01

    One the one hand crypto doesn't look amazing (outside Pepe), on the other hand not sure legacy is going to go down a lot now... difficult to allocate. Still think this year is one for accumulation. But it's not easy, maybe it will look so in hindsight...

    • Ansel@1314love·Apr 13

      Pretty much a good platform to interact socially.. a place where like minded people can be connected..

      • Ethan@hery2095k·Mar 30

        LFG 🚀🚀🚀

        • LENS!!!!!!!!!!!

          • It's the right way. LFG 🚀🚀🚀

            • Neha@ipple·Mar 25

              This app has all features that every user need

              • leo@leonni·Mar 25

                I don't know what to say, this app is such a masterpiece

                • ik@kluch·Mar 25

                  Its the best what people did. Simple, user-friendly, and such a great design, everything you need!

                  • GM Fams@0x007·Mar 23

                    shall we add AIGC feature?

                    • multi chain

                      • David Naskleeng@dapid·Mar 23

                        always get limit exceeded

                        • 感觉不太流畅

                          • buying.lens@buying·Mar 23

                            everytime when collect,i need to allow collect module, it's not user friendly,i need allow collect module once a life time

                            • i love Lenster very mutch, its even better and comfortable tnab twitter, but, idk why, the transactions appears, very often

                              • Vikramjeet@vikramjeet·Mar 23


                                • André@rector·Mar 23

                                  I don't like that every time I go on Lenster (even if I just want to read the feed without liking anything), I have to sign a transaction in my wallet.

                                  • Berbs@berbs·Mar 22

                                    Matic isn't all that bad but the reorgs still persist - kinda annoying ngl

                                    • ZORVAN@zorvan·Mar 22

                                      I love whole Lens indeed, you always hear many good words about Lens, so let me just explain a weird exprience (❤️)

                                      "Many actions require signature.", For example, collecting (beyond the limit), unfollowing, etc. The issue arises when we use mobile apps like phaver or orb. I don't know how exactly it works behind the scenes and also not sure if it is possible, but it would be great if transaction/signatures of each account are collected and finally executed with one transaction (just like L2 networks). or at least there was no need for signature to "unfollow" because regular follow doesn't require signature. It would be great if there was an option to perform unfollow without signature.

                                      And a "block option" is needed actually, sometimes it's really necessary.

                                      Thanks for reading this, Lens is the future 🌿❤️

                                      • Maksimoos@lenslove·Mar 22

                                        I like the fact that it's people from the crypto world who are gathered here. It's a different kind of mindset. Different communication, different topics. It's interesting. I like the idea that if you want to add a lot of people quickly, you have to pay) Usually they make a limit, but here you have your own approach, which I appreciated positively. As for the top hashtags, I didn't like it. You have to pay to put the necessary hashtag or you can put a non-distributed hashtag for free. I understand what it's for, but I don't get the point. This I would remove. The rest is all cool.

                                        • create a post I would like to see a button in a prominent place

                                          • SUDAM@web73·Mar 22


                                            • Better data.I like Lenster and Lenstube apps.

                                              • Na3er@na3er·Mar 22

                                                I like it

                                                • BEN SAMUEL@ben_samuel·Mar 22

                                                  Getting to meet new people

                                                  • Savant@savant·Mar 22

                                                    Main thing that is kinda weird is not really feeling the "real-time"ness of posts like with twitter.

                                                    As others said, the good vibes are a great thing, but i feel like it lacks a connection to real-life events

                                                    • MinhTung@vanquynh2016·Mar 22

                                                      I use Lens every day, it's so good

                                                      • I use Dapps such as Lenster, ORB, Phaver

                                                      • Lenser:

                                                      • It's simple, doesn't work smoothly, still quite slow. It needs to be improved the speed

                                                      • Chat function is very slow, it needs to be improved more

                                                      • ORB:
                                                      • It's very good, I like it so much, but the Collect function sometimes doesn't work. Even though I have collected, it doesn't count after I refresh it.

                                                      • I post but it posts itself in multiple versions.

                                                      • The Follower and Following sections should show at the same time whether the people you follow are following you or not

                                                      • Should add Chat function

                                                      • Phaver:
                                                      • The platform is awesome, it's simple, easy to use, user friendly. But it should be improved to post multiple photos instead of just one as it is now.

                                                      • Should add Chat function

                                                      • Tag button should be strongly communicated to the person being tagged
                                                      • Mr. Whale@mrwhale·Mar 22


                                                        • Emma@popmusicchanne1·Mar 22

                                                          too many bots

                                                          • Rynx@rynx1·Mar 22

                                                            Like : easy to use of this app Dislike : many bot fake account, No Music dedicated app

                                                            • WrTZ ◱ ◱@galactic·Mar 22

                                                              I need feature Quote mirrors and Story

                                                              • moskva1@moskva·Mar 22

                                                                Not sure if Lens will have its own wallet at some time in the future. As wallet is becoming increasingly important to attract the new users and strengthen the ecosystem. As lens users still experience issues when using metatmask mobile version to navigate lens, this is really affecting the user experience. Also payment method will be another battle for web3 socialfi. So it is worth considering to have all in 1 app inside lens ecosystem. By doing that, it can optimize user experience by combining social engagement with payments, DID management, community dao. One of lens potential competitor is Pi network. Pi network testnet demonstrats several socialfi apps and pi has its own wallet.

                                                                • SLEEPKING@sleepking·Mar 22

                                                                  Amazing !!!

                                                                  • See here

                                                                    I already wrote something together.

                                                                    • everytime i comment, it can't turn into another page, it is on the one page, it is not good

                                                                      • qerdo@qerdo·Mar 22

                                                                        Less bots and more people

                                                                        • Really enjoy the easy to use of this app, mostly using Lenster 😀

                                                                          • blockchain logic happens on the background

                                                                            • @112358eth·Mar 22

                                                                              Great pump

                                                                              • Dmitrii@fuckermaker·Mar 22

                                                                                I like Lens because it has a user-friendly interface and a lot of features that allow you to maintain your profile and share different thoughts. It's also convenient that you can support authors by subscribing to them and collecting their articles

                                                                                • @83156·Mar 22


                                                                                  • trrss@kyoshiro·Mar 22

                                                                                    Lens is a great experience to use, to mint and collect NFT senselessly, to pay for and gain profits from quality content. However probably because of the chain performance, there are still occasional problems with transaction rollback display. Better to take another Layer2 Chain as an alternatives solution when high concurrency will be more secure

                                                                                    • I checked a lot of comments and it's very interesting to see everybody is talking about bots

                                                                                      If their motive is to receive the Airdrop, it does not necessary to intercept their statements at the front end, just filter out their mechanical messages at the time of the Airdrop and exclude their handles

                                                                                      Peaceful Vibes then....

                                                                                      • 05588◱ ◱@05588·Mar 22


                                                                                        • social no.1

                                                                                          • fawesome@fawesome·Mar 22

                                                                                            a lot of bots and it’s kinda hard to find good content on the main page

                                                                                            so i gotta follow guys I know to make sure that the content by them will be good

                                                                                            • Warhand◱ ◱@ordep·Mar 22

                                                                                              Polygon is the biggest let down, Lens would be dope on other chain

                                                                                              xDai ( stable fee ) Cosmos own appchain Or OP/Arb

                                                                                              All of the above would be optimal , certainly much better than Polygon.

                                                                                              Orb isn't great, needs improvement on mobile wallet connections ( there's a world beyond MM ) , Phaver looks cleaner and messier at the same time with the junction of non Lens profiles in the same bag !

                                                                                              All in all the Lens social is great , in essence it's very close to serve the needs , it's what is around the protocol that hurts most imo !

                                                                                              • MetaZool@metazool·Mar 22

                                                                                                The smoothest web3 social product I've used so far, but because Polygon is sometimes stuck, I often can't complete transactions on Lens

                                                                                                • MonkeyD@zb_amo·Mar 22

                                                                                                  I haven't found a lot of interesting content on lens in my long search. There are too few creators and a good content ecosystem is lacking

                                                                                                  • Crichton@stool·Mar 22

                                                                                                    which are an inevitable part of life. However,

                                                                                                    • col kid@yellowrose·Mar 22

