Stani@stani·Jan 09

How could @lenster.lens be improved? Need honest feedback

  • Yule@someplace·Jan 21

    Allow multiple wallets to have the same profile. One on your phone, one on your professional browser, one for your personal browser.

    • Rohit 🌿@dafi2708·Jan 15

      UI improvement, Always need to scroll down my screen to see more posts, it's hurt to me

      • Momo@momodao·Jan 14


        • Lens space would be great. Lenstube is great but, lens space would be great, if it can be integrated across the lens verse as well (an API all lens verse could plug into and voila, lens space{a better than twitter kind of space is born)...

          • DeFinn@definn·Jan 13
            • Quote Mirroring
            • Mirror confirmation (I've mirrored 3x the same post in the past)
            • Juampi@juampi·Jan 13

              “Tags in comment”

              When I reply a comment from your post it only tags the person I answer to but not you, the owner of the original post

              • "threaded" comments

                • For content creators:

                  • token gated collect module

                  • distribute earnings among several wallets

                  For all users:

                  • Notifications (likes, mirrors, comments etc) updated frequently, without having to refresh the browser

                  • Like don't stop playing the video

                  • Hide from the timeline posts that you have already mirrored.

                  • Mirror with a comment

                  • Qisya Khadeeja@qisya·Jan 13

                    can u just give me only 1 sign from my lenster to phaver or other application?. If i want sign out, i just sign out.. if im not sign out, plz stop asking to sign in.

                    • Qisya Khadeeja@qisya·Jan 13

                      Need translation. Even phaver lots of user use chinese language but no translation.

                      • 0xSunvo@sunvo·Jan 11

                        How about more interface languages? For languages with a large number of people, we can create language voting options on the snapshot.

                        • Camtrao@camtrao·Jan 11

                          I'd love to put a limit on free collects. So art can still be free but scarse?

                          • @99903·Jan 11

                            Ability to edit posting

                            • revenue from collects to be distributed to custom address according to custom proportions, not only to og poster

                              e.g i run a cooking channel and have a large network. I post user submissions of recipes and specify their address as a share of the collect revenue. They did the work, i provided the exposure.

                              I kinda see more of this kind of user interaction with meme accounts etc. that want to scale long term

                              • tomato@thefaketomato·Jan 11

                                Having to switch to polygon and sign a message every time I want to use the app is a real barrier to using it frequently. Especially with a hardware wallet.

                                • Gaby 👼@gabriela·Jan 11

                                  Quote comment and ability to micro tip each post and comment (without collecting the post).

                                  • Mike@grabbou·Jan 11

                                    Quote mirroring so I can mirror with a comment

                                    • Open, inclusive and free, as long as you stick to these concepts, the lens will get better and better!

                                      • Corrosive@toilet·Jan 10

                                        @stani.lens please read the DM i sent you a while back. Its kinda a big deal

                                        • 0xMax@moritz·Jan 10


                                          • feru@12224·Jan 10

                                            algorithm should keep track of what posts i've read, i keep seeing the same posts over and over. also i saw a post before i signed in, tried to sign in so i could comment and now i can't find it anymore. not sure why, i remember the text and the username, but i cant find the post, and it's not someone i follow so it doesnt show up on my TL. not sure if this helps

                                            • Barry Lime@barrylime·Jan 10

                                              A couple thoughts Stani:

                                              • Only been on Lenster a couple of days, and noticed I've already got a few bot / spam followers. I'm sure this is a problem that will only get worse as the platform gets bigger. Perhaps an option for users to 'tag' an account as a bot, and that account gets flagged to other Lens users if there are enough tags

                                              • Related to the above, it would be good to have an option to remove followers. Currently can't see a way to remove these bots as followers of mine

                                              But overall, really enjoying Lens so far! Excited for the future.

                                              • nimnull@nimnull·Jan 09

                                                Overall it is pleasant to use but I have one concern.

                                                If I get information under a post: You can't reply to this post.

                                                I would like to know for what reason.

                                                • Selim@selimyay·Jan 09


                                                  • would be cool if projects you've interacted with on chain .. if their lens profiles came up in a "people you may know" way

                                                    • More Feed tag options to sort/filter through…

                                                      Make it easier to find topics that each individual is interested in.

                                                      • Personally, I think because the platform is new (compared to Twitter obv), when I want to post and ask for opinions about something, I don't think a lot of people can see it properly. <- because of this I have to go back to Twitter for most of my questions I need more engagement and need the use of searching / trends / hashtags.

                                                        • Praise@qpraiz·Jan 09

                                                          Ability to edit posting

                                                          • Rewen@rewen·Jan 09



                                                            LENS gooooooooooooo

                                                            • UI look should be improved, there is a lot of low-hanging fruit, the spacing, fonts, and buttons all look pretty basic, and having a grey dark mode option would be great as the current dark mode is just pitch black.

                                                              • Maybe a LENS token?

                                                                Hihi Lol GIF by funk
                                                                • angyts@angyts·Jan 09

                                                                  stop asking me to sign a message with my ledger each time i login.

                                                                  nobody actually sees my posts, we need "subreddits", places that people actually congregate.

                                                                  stop pushing the same old post to every single user. just because the person is popular doesnt mean i want to see his/her opinions

                                                                  algorithm needs to improve to allow good content to be "upvoted" and be more visible.

                                                                  • wikhono.sol@cuxwe·Jan 09

                                                                    standalone network LENS NETWORK #LENS $LENS

                                                                    • 0xJUP ◱ ◱@0xjup·Jan 09

                                                                      mobile apps🚀🚀💥💥

                                                                      • Dniel.zurf@bvdaniel·Jan 09
                                                                        • Inbox notification lies a lot
                                                                        • quote mirrors
                                                                        • notification on tagging
                                                                        • collect from mobile
                                                                        • bot identifier
                                                                        • paid polls (pay and vote)
                                                                        • moar wav3s
                                                                        • i donk know if its relevant but do we really need like 3-4 Lens mobile apps, thats more than needed i think

                                                                          • Is possible to deploy on other chains? But if it's possible, don't deploy on Solana 😃

                                                                            • We need quote mirror

                                                                              • Xyori@xyori·Jan 09
                                                                                • NFT sticker, NFT avatar ( if they own )
                                                                                • Sticker button and sticker pack ( like telegram )
                                                                                • Nikoemme@nikoemme·Jan 09

                                                                                  Mobile app

                                                                                  • Monem.eth@monem·Jan 09

                                                                                    Mobile app, chat, and allows external links

                                                                                    • Kenneth Falck@kennu·Jan 09

                                                                                      I need to re-login all the time with my browser wallet, which seems unnecessary until I actually post something.

                                                                                      • CoinEasy@coineasy·Jan 09


                                                                                        • grgw@grgwgrgw·Jan 09
                                                                                          • Ability to Mute profiles (like Buttrfly)
                                                                                          • More filtering features like Explore | For you | Text Only
                                                                                          • Khaw@khawrk·Jan 09

                                                                                            Personally, I think because the platform is new (compared to Twitter obv), when I want to post and ask for opinions about something, I don't think a lot of people can see it properly. <- because of this I have to go back to Twitter for most of my questions I need more engagement and need the use of searching / trends / hashtags.

                                                                                            • not sure if everyone is talking about the same here. @stani.lens is asking about @lenster.lens while many seem to refer to @lensprotocol and (some) apps built on it. I'm confused.

                                                                                              • On my way@khabanh·Jan 09

                                                                                                I cant update my cover photo properly so yeah maybe thats a good start lol.

                                                                                                • we need a mobile app dapps on mobile phone is clumsy

                                                                                                  • EzR3aL@defi_ezr3al·Jan 09

                                                                                                    Logins aren't optimal, have to sign when using ledger

                                                                                                    Edit button is very important

                                                                                                    Missing integration with defi, like to be able to buy MATIC real quick for a collect

                                                                                                    • Lets be able to edit post and also monetize profile
