Stani@stani·Jan 02

Hypothetical question, if everyone on the planet gets 5000 USD as UBI, wouldn't that just increase the inflation to the point where that amount of money looses its purchase power?

  • It would definitely do that, unless the US government rebalanced its budget and deleted the remainder of the mandatory budget. It would likely force wages up SUPER high too because if I can make 5000 USD at home, then why work for 3800 USD per month. So wage inflation would be insane, and with a mandatory minimum, innovation would likely hit an all time low. UBI would guarantee a lot of things, but it would also hurt stuff too. The rebalancing of the global economy would be an interesting sight to see.

    • YouMeme@youmemeworld·Jan 03
      Comment by @youmemeworld.lens
      • i don't know, but I hope it happens one day. Everyone should be able to have some money to live a proper life. It might raise it at the beginning but then it will stabilize.

        • 0x1000@0x1000·Jan 03

          I would say YES to this

          • AlicΞ@punkess·Jan 03

            idk but we will see. The time this will happen (imo) the world we live in will probably look fundamentally different. Unfortunately i doubt we will see an UBI anytime soon.

            • Uniway@15432·Jan 03

              Im gonna say yes, assets are valuable, money paper is just a paper

              • Nothing else than tha, yes

                • Matte Black@matte·Jan 02

                  I’m just gonna say yes in this one

                  • tomasmika@tomasmika·Jan 02

                    No, if robots increase production 🤝

                    • No, it won't​​ because the money would only be servicing needs and wants of human already in place (as you know, human needs are truely insatiable)
