Stani@stani·Dec 25

What do you think about carbon offsetting? Is offsetting carbon production scalable or the path to become carbon neutral humanity?

  • It is another derivatives market with some benefits is all.

    • @00113·Dec 27

      Offsetting is scalable and it is a good way to compensate our emissions. everybody can become Carbon neutral or even climate positive. You can offset your emissions by @klima.lens retirement aggregator on @polygon0x.lens. one ton of offset BCT costs about one USD

      • Samuel 🦤@samuelp·Dec 26

        I Think we need a bit of everything, it is Good to offset but it is not a sustainable solution. Emissions have to decrese in #1. If I plant a tree to offset my plane travel, it will take 10 years for my tree to offset my travel… unfortunately we dont have that Time. Careful as well How the offset is done there’s a few bad examples and greenwahing happening. A saw a solution called #veritree and powered by #cardano to certify the offsets Thanks to #blochain you should look it up :-)

        • Carbon is not a static value in the environment. We must understand the carbon cycle. Carbon is continually released and captured in Earth's atmosphere. It is kept in balance by the biosphere, and humanity has perturbed this balance. The goal must be to reach equilibrium again. It makes more sense to curtain carbon production and/or release in the atmosphere. And also try to capture at least part of what we have produced. Carbon credits are useful in the sense that incentivize these activities.

          • @jtasker·Dec 25

            I do it, but I don't think it's really sustainable, we need to not do the damage in the first place!

            • RicBurton@ricburton·Dec 25

              Just fund solar panels on satellites. It makes sense.

              • Merry Christmas 🎄 Happy Holidays ☃️💜

                • NoHussle@nohussle·Dec 25

                  It's very tricky. It might be good if not abused which I would doubt

                  • Carbon credit score + Central Bank Digital Currencies = Dystopian 1984 nightmare

                    Carbon credit score created by the people, across nations with blockchain technology to create a better world is something I would like. No nations or central power in charge, just ordinary people working

                    together to make the world a better place for future generations.

                    However, I fear that politicians and the real people in power (yeah those that actually caused this crisis in the first place) will use the climate change crisis as a means to force their citizens to adopt CBDCs. A crisis truly is one of the best tools that a government has at their disposal to force something on their citizens that they do not want.

                    How we as citizens of this planet make our choices in regards to climate change in the next few years will ultimately shape how society will be. So choose wisely!

                    • GRAMS@grams·Dec 25

                      to be honest it seems we're just getting to the point of "as long as there's the offset" as the excuse for creating more, at least with big corporations that produce A LOT of it.

                      • Really depends on the carbon credits and if they are actually equivalent to the carbon tonnes they represent.

                        Till the time that isn't fixed, carbon offsetting would be more about virtue signaling than solving anything.
