Stani@stani·Dec 05

Can inflation be solved? how?

  • haiyang@btc16·Dec 07

    Bitcoin fixes this.

    • Inflation is a monetary phenomenon, to this day, the only entities that have control over monetary policy are central banks. So if you want to solve inflation we need to solve the "central" bank problem.

      • Paulus@paulus·Dec 06

        Bitcoin fixes this.

        • Maybe we start burning some fiat? ¯_(ツ)_/¯

          • CryptoMD@nftpain·Dec 06

            I'm no economist, but I read about the Shmita recently. The idea that every 7 years debt remittance is interesting.
   The spiraling of inflation created by escalating monetary expansion to me means wealth naturally accumulates to debtors and those with existing wealth. Basic needs will be a higher percentage of income for those that don't have wealth, which makes them unable to grow interest to compete with rising interest, furthering inequality. I don't think there can be anything like the Shmita anymore with how lopsided the top already is.

            • @dezbryant·Dec 06

              Print more money ~

              • F(x)=kx+b@perky·Dec 05

                Increase & incentivise supply of goods and services 🏷

                Decrease the circulating supply of shitcoin fiat 💵 (let treasuries and bonds run to maturity without central banks pumping money into buying more of them to prop up the sellers market).

                Stop pumping money into the hands of the ones near the top, uneven distribution of QE; the cantillon effect

                Force central bank discipline by having hard money-backed currency again 🪙

                • jeanmi 🎈@jeanmi·Dec 05

                  Probably less consumption... 😭

                  • gcrypto@gcrypto·Dec 05

                    Potentially by focusing on GDP growth

                    • Agux926@agux926·Dec 05

                      Inflation definition is a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money, you need to fix futures expectations on the markets and that is a difficult thing to do

                      • Tommek@tommek·Dec 05

                        Good question for GPT3

                        • @electricsergey·Dec 05

                          I don't think enough people understand what inflation is. Once that understanding is widespread then maybe we can look at solving the issue. But really what is the issue and is it more to do with FIAT problems than prices?

                          • It is impossible to solve with finance

                            • SayMyName@shivam·Dec 05

                              Recession seems to be the cure!!

                              • It can be solved, continue to raise interest rates

                                • randy@supencok4·Dec 05

                                  more production

                                  • Gaby 👼@gabriela·Dec 05

                                    Get rid of government issued money and let the market decide which currency will be used.

                                    • Cosmo@composition·Dec 05


                                      • Price inflation cannot be solved without transparent marketplaces. Companies may produce something for 4 USD but find that they can sell it at 40 USD. Companies are compelled to maximize their profit and they have the secrecy to do so.

                                        Price Inflation cannot occur when there is significant competition in the marketplace. If there are three producers of a given product, these three automatically become oligarchs and can manipulate the price however they see fit. In a healthy marketplace with high competition, the only reason to increase a price is an increase in the cost of doing business.

                                        Printing Paper Currency does not force the price to go up. In the event that the money is distributed to people, demand increases and supply is strained. Here producers can charge what they want because there are a lot of people willing to buy, and they have plenty of cash to buy with.

                                        Cryptocurrencies offer a solution in the possibility of scarcity of currency because it cannot be created out of thin air, but price inflation is something that cannot be calculated or understood. Cryptocurrencies offer a solution to money, but not to the basic human instinct of greed.

                                        • @itachiuchiha·Dec 05

                                          By strong adaptation of decentralization 😵‍💫

                                          • Inder@inder·Dec 05

                                            Millionaire want recession for become billionaire

                                            • dar42@dar42·Dec 05

                                              bitcoin born for this tide.

                                              the world need a new model for economic growth with out printing papers to feed bad ass.

                                              • 刘逍遥@lethex·Dec 05


                                                • With a recession and/or depression.
