Stani@stani·Nov 29

Now that @LensProtocol has been on main-net for few months whats your feedback, what is working? What you would like to see happen? On protocol layer? On app layer? Ecosystem? We are looking for honest feedback 🙏

  • CryptoHindi@hodlbtc·Jan 21

    Allow more users to join

    • shimianying@nft-520·Dec 07

      application layer

      • gratefulhrt@0x6e7·Dec 05

        I feel this project should have its own chain .... With the amount of its ecosystem and how big its going to be looking into the future of web3

        Lens protocol should have its own chain... running it matic will probably not be conducive environment on the long run when there are a lot of users and traffic...there is definitely going to be high gas fee ..

        Imagine sometimes matic gas fee on transaction run tru 0.02matic ...just imagine matic at eth price or probably at bnb price ...its too high ...IMO

        So @stani.lens you should please think on how this project should run on its own chain pls for conveniency sake

        • Getting better day by days

          • moskva1@moskva·Dec 05

            Have difficulties logging onto Lens via mobile apps. Especially when collecting or signing , no response from wallet such as metamask wallet even the wallet indicates the connection has been established. Sometimes It takes long time to confirm the transaction via metamask wallet. Lens team please look into this issue.

            • It's a very innovative place

              • MorteZ@nftlover27·Dec 01

                I wanna see lens more user friendly with specific app

                • ZhieAura@zhieaura·Dec 01

                  the best part is we dont need any email or phone number to login

                  • koH@0xkoh·Nov 30

                    All I know about Lens.... is it's only getting better a better. thanks @stani.lens and @lensteam.lens

                    • Paul#0x017645·Nov 30

                      Hard thing is finding ways to connect and build friends/followers. I think you guys should try and find ways to build community via events, maybe community calls or something.

                      • EYESFI ◱ ◱@eyesfi·Nov 30

                        As a longtime strict social media denier , this is way better than expected :)

                        • its betten day by day tbh, i remembered 2-3 months ago i often cant collect or retweet a post properly but its all good now so keep it up though

                          • 0x87@salutartyom·Nov 30

                            not quite sure what this is about, but I have repeatedly had a bug when I subscribe to some people in Lens, and then, after some time to come back Lens and see that these people are not in my subscription, I have to re-search them and subscribe again

                            why does lens unsubscribe me from these people?

                            • First, I just wanted to say I think you guys have done an incredible job with Lens in such a short period of time. So pumped for you and so much respect!

                              Here's a list of features that would allow our team to produce more content and be more active on Lens

                              FYI: This coming from the founder of a social marketing agency, web3 media platform/content creator and the largest account on Lens.. though I use that term lightly as most are bots lol

                              • The ability to share account access with more than 1 wallet
                              • The ability to schedule content natively
                              • Connecting Lens into popular content scheduling platforms (I imagine this is not easy though, but we could produce sooo much more content if possible)
                              • Building user lists similar to lists on Twitter
                              • Dark mode would be great
                              • Engagement / growth trends and analytics (Even just being able to see video views on Lenstube would be awesome)
                              • Smoother log in process (I still can't log in on my phone using google chrome... I need to use the MM browser).
                              • Just a thought: Open access to everyone (we have so many community members who want a lens handle but its a pain to get it to them) but require a small amount of ETH or MATIC to be held in a wallet in order to claim a handle and interact with Lens (GM did this and removed almost all bots this way)

                              Thanks team!

                              • Covsj@d-crypto·Nov 30

                                what’s up?

                                • Trinity@3nety·Nov 30

                                  Would love it if lens will be faster that it is now.

                                  • Open Lens access to all if it's really towards mass adoption.

                                    Let people stress test the Ecosystem.

                                    • the collect module shows that various types of media can be collected without a dedicated marketplace or special mint sites. that's pretty cool!

                                      however, this great feature can make apps like @lenster and @orbapp look like places for shilling. at times every post seems to scream "collect me".
                                      of course, users drive the way apps are used but maybe there is room for a discussion, news, info,... app. Lenster and Orb can be such apps but they aren't. crypto Twitter needs a replacement. currently, Farcaster is closer to this than any Lens app.

                                      that being said, the Lens ecosystem is fresh air and much needed. congrats to all who build here.

                                      • Meta@zksyncc·Nov 30
                                        1. Login can be simplified a bit. It's very cumbersome now.

                                        2、Add the function of automatic translation.

                                        3、Add space function, like Twitter.

                                        4、Add multi-chain function.

                                        • Nothing much tho

                                          Still needs a lil bit of work on the UI appwise
                                          Uploading of multiple medias at once on Lenster isn't possible

                                          But anyways you guys deserve ALOT of credit for this Stani 👏🙌
                                          Keep it up!

                                          • @climbing·Nov 30

                                            lens protokol get bigger soo exacting

                                            • tianyeya@tianyeya·Nov 30

                                              new world

                                              • On my way@khabanh·Nov 30

                                                i had troubles with following people for some time but its fixed now so all good lmao

                                                • Aisoski @hapesocial·Nov 30

                                                  To be honest didn't know you guy'swould come out this big

                                                    1. Hashtags: to allow users follow trending topics

                                                    2. Emojis: since each post need not be only like (displays wider array of human emotions)

                                                    3. Like & Dislike: although double edge sword, it can filter out good posts in generic sense

                                                    4. Tip: it will encourage and boost users to indirectly make relevant posts

                                                    5. Groups: Can aggregate like minded users

                                                    I do believe some features are actively being developed by team

                                                    • after each time i leave a page to comment somewhere or check an user profile, when i decide to go back i use the backward arrow on browser toolbar, it always takes me to the top of the page instead of where i used to be so its kinda inconvenient u know

                                                      • Dark mode

                                                        • Imrana@imrana·Nov 30

                                                          All the comments are great @stani but is up to team to select most needed

                                                            1. Trending topic - like another web2, we need to know what things that most people talking about
                                                            2. Hashtag - to let everyone manage easily searching their interest
                                                            3. Translation would be great to make local community grow bigger
                                                            • Dark mode please!

                                                              • MinhTung@vanquynh2016·Nov 30

                                                                Hope the translater languages function will be appeared in nextime

                                                                • ximeng@bodrum·Nov 29


                                                                  • Observooor@cryptolad·Nov 29

                                                                    Really enjoying Lens so far. The growth has been unreal! Don't really have any constructive criticism.. i'm sure the team knows exactly where to go from here.

                                                                    • A model that doesnt charge subscriber once off, but continually. Not like collecting for fee, but paying in advance for hidden content

                                                                      e.g someone who has real alpha could brand a hidden post as alpha that users need to pay for to see. The quality of the information could be reviewed by those that had it, stamped by time. kinda quality assurance. Perhaps the price should like a dutch auction, be dynamic and positively related to the review.

                                                                      same for lenstube. If i were a beast trader or arbitrageur, or researcher, live pay-per-view would change the subscription model entirely by reducing my ability of adverse selection/moral hazard to viewers already subscribed and incentivize quality above quantity.

                                                                      This surely isn't the incentive for content creators to join the platform as they carry more risk and need to provide consistently to earn a living, but maybe that's a good thing for what lens is supposed to be imo.

                                                                      • Ryan Fox@ryanfox·Nov 29

                                                                        BTW it should be noted, you've ruined all other social media for me haha. It feels so WRONG that I can't collect on Twitter or IG! Collecting is the greatest ♥️🙏

                                                                        • Yakuza@iamyakuza·Nov 29

                                                                          Lens Flea market (smth like fbook market)

                                                                          • lensmaker@lensmaker·Nov 29

                                                                            For the ecosystem, inviting underrated -and interested in crypto but still new to it- artists would bring too much value to Lens and the artists themselves. I can name a lot of them and even invite them if you like me to do sir!

                                                                            • Pehh@pedromonte·Nov 29

                                                                              All I wish was a #LMCC button that does all the actions in one.

                                                                              Comment by @pedromonte.lens
                                                                              • Papa Dari@papadari·Nov 29

                                                                                Generally love it! Especially having the same account for all social platforms and the possibility to collect content besides the obvious benefits of self-ownership of content and followers.

                                                                                I would like to see more integrations between apps and stronger measures against bots. Also, strong algorithms for the feeds, although this is only a question of time. Would love to see apps working both for desktop and mobile. Also, more DAO infrastructure projects. And finally, Lens to open up so platforms can get more traffic.

                                                                                • Ryan Fox@ryanfox·Nov 29

                                                                                  I think it's crucial and I hope to see an emphasis on algorithm choice and development established, to both users and devs. Right now everything seems to be based on who you follow, the classic social graph, which is obviously very valuable. But the interest graph is even bigger (a la TikTok) and also super useful. And the ability to swap algos and timelines is where this is all heading, I'd love to see Lens get there first. 🙏

                                                                                  • wow , i like

                                                                                    • The construction can be slower, and the speed is the pain point

                                                                                      • There is still a long way to go. When can the speed of optimization be the same as that of Twitter? I'm looking forward to that day

                                                                                        • I wish it were easier to build...

                                                                                          that being said, I wish lens would give workshops for building modules or even an academy in which a non dev could be helped to build little implementations. Seems there are a lot of people in discord etc. that have ideas to make the ecosystem more inclusive and more fun but lack the know how. bottom-up, inclusive, web3 in action

                                                                                          • YungSB.eth@yungsb·Nov 29

                                                                                            Add spaces on here & to even do it better than twitter or any other option add a live video option to the version y’all implement.

                                                                                            • When new apps create a new format it breaks some other apps. I.e the new medium type platform stores the blog posts in json which lenster shows as code… dunno the solution but need a way to sort it

                                                                                              • Incentives for creators

                                                                                                • Ujjwal@alpehzero·Nov 29

                                                                                                  We need lens governance token so We can vote where the platform is right like I don't understand any techy stuffs :/

                                                                                                  • @stani.lens >> A mailchimp-esque app featuring integrations that allows subscribers to receive content send-outs/newsletters directly to their (Lenster) DMs would be great as a creator. Could also allow for hyper segmented audience connections, too.

                                                                                                    Being given the option to send out a notification about a new post to your followers, or selected parts of your followers, would also be great.
