Stani@stani·Nov 16

Something that I did a lot during my early entering into web3, I was talking to lot of folks in groups, learned a lot and shared ideas. I still feel thats the best way to learn. Feel less restricted on sharing your ideas and open yourself for feedback - thats how you get further in your learning curve. For all learnoooors

  • I learned the most in my early days by chatting in r/ethtrader. I'd try and answer at least one question a day and I would always cite sources when possible. This practice really helped cement my understanding of Ethereum and web3 tech.

    • What groups do you know of that are worth recommending people to join? Outside of here, of course 😊

      • ally@noiamgodzilla·Nov 16

        I love this. Sometimes I feel scared to share my ideas out of fear of being very wrong. But stepping out of comfort zones is part of the learning process.
