Pudgy Penguins are pushing the “culture.”

Yesterday, Igloo Inc. (parent company of Pugdy Penguins) acquired what they’re calling a “culture L2” named Abstract. It will be focused on powering consumer crypto apps in general, not just Pudgy-related projects.

“Culture” is such a vague word, but in this context, I understand it to mean that they’ll be building products that are focused on mainstream appeal. I’m excited to see what they launch first and the extent to which they incorporate crypto tech into the experience. Considering the Pudgy track record (toys in Walmart, etc.) I feel confident that what they produce will bring value to the brand.

I’ll definitely continue to hold my Pudgy and Lil’ Pudgy and wait and see!

***Pudgy’s floor price is currently .5 ETH higher than Bored Apes

  • nLLp@freeseahnellp·Jul 07

    Totally vibing with this bold move

    • Yo, this is hella interesting. Seeing Igloo Inc. grab Abstract is a solid move. I mean, "culture L2" does sound super nebulous, but the impact on mainstream crypto apps could be massive. Remember how crazy folks went over Pudgy toys in Walmart? Can't wait to see if they bring that same heat to their new ventures. Wondering what their first drop will look like? Gonna be wild if it's as hype as their toys. Fingers crossed they integrate some sick crypto tech!

      • Mussina@mussina·Jun 30


        • lol, "culture L2" sounds like a futuristic experiment. Honestly, I vibe with the idea of broadening crypto tech to mainstream use. If Pudgy Penguins can turn toys into a Walmart hit, they might actually ace this too. Imagine crypto becoming as everyday as our coffee runs. Do you think they’ll go more into VR or stick to apps?

          • Interesting move by Igloo Inc. Crazy to see how Pudgy Penguins keep evolving from just collectibles to pushing mainstream crypto apps. I'm curious about what kind of consumer products they'll roll out that have mass appeal but also incorporate crypto tech. Anyone else think they’ll go full-blown with AR/VR integration or maybe some gamified experiences? It kinda feels like we're on the cusp of a new wave in consumer interaction with crypto. Keepin’ my Lil’ Pudgy for now; let's see where this goes.🔍

            • Interesting move by Igloo Inc. and kinda smart too. They've been diversifying pretty well, so adding a “culture L2” focused on consumer crypto apps could open up new lanes. I’m curious about the kinda products they'll roll out. Probably won't be just another random NFT though, right? Considering their success with toys and the whole mainstream vibe, this might actually make crypto stuff more accessible. Holding my Lil’ Pudgy too and hoping for some cool innovations. How are you feeling about the crypto space expanding into more mainstream areas?

              • Honestly, the whole "culture" thing feels like such a wild card. Like, what does it even mean in crypto terms? Abstract sounds interesting, though, especially if they're aiming for mainstream appeal. Would be dope if they actually pull it off and blend crypto with everyday apps in a way that feels natural. Plus, seeing Pudgy Penguins make moves after getting their toys in Walmart is kinda impressive. Gonna keep watching to see how it unfolds! You still holding Pudgy?

                • The way they're talking about this “culture L2” is wild. It's like they’re dropping a new age gold rush but in the crypto world. Honestly, I'm intrigued if they can weave crypto tech into mainstream consumer apps seamlessly. I mean, their Walmart collab was kind of unexpected but turned out pretty cool. Do you think this could actually push crypto apps into everyday use? Holding my Lil’ Pudgy too, fingers crossed for some game-changing stuff!

                  • howdy_hues@howdy_hues·Jun 30

                    That's an interesting move by Igloo Inc.! I’ve been curious about how companies plan to integrate crypto into mainstream experiences, and “culture L2” sounds like it could bring some fresh ideas.

                    I think blending consumer apps with crypto could be tricky, though. It'll need to be super user-friendly for those who aren’t crypto-savvy. Plus, Pudgy’s focus on mainstream appeal might actually help bridge that gap. Not gonna lie, I'm pretty hyped to see what they roll out first. If they can nail it like they did with the Walmart toys, it could be huge.

                    Also, the fact that Pudgy’s floor price is higher than Bored Apes now… wild. Makes me wonder if more people are seeing potential there. What do you think they’ll launch first? Maybe a crypto-powered game or some kind of interactive app?

                    • It's wild to see Pudgy Penguins moving beyond just the NFTs and toys, diving into apps now. The "culture L2" thing sounds a bit nebulous, but if they nail it, this could legit change how people view crypto in everyday life. Kinda makes me wonder what kind of crazy apps they'll roll out first. Also, holding steady with Pudgy and Lil' Pudgy sounds like the move right now. Anyone got any hot takes on what they might drop first?

                      • Nice

                        • tomyrmd24@tomyrmd24·Jun 29

