Ok so im curious what your web2 jobs are👀

I work Head of Community for a Swedish tech startup🫶🏼currently we’re focusing on Vtubers + Japanese market and building a platform for them to share exclusive audio content with their fans and generally just a place for them to connect with one another!👾

What do you guys do?🫶🏼

  • Adam Protz@adamprotz·May 22

    I’m a writer, mainly for a music magazine and a few other bits, and do a teeny bit of part time hours in an indie cinema 🎦✌🏻

    • Samm@sababa·May 21

      Waitress at night

      • Eduard🌹@eduardmsmr·May 21

        Do you love it?

        I don’t have one - never had!🌹

        • Nice job! Do you enjoy it?

          I taste fries and give them a rating 🍟

          • Eliot89@eliot89·May 21

            Hi! I don't know much about Vtubers, but I've heard they attract a lot of people. At least here in Argentina, there aren't any Vtubers or none that are really well-known. I work as a UX Designer at a bank in the insurance department 🤓

            • Bob Peace@bobpeace·May 21


              • Simon Jaquemet@simonj·May 21

                I’m a film director, screenwriter and producer.
