ZKsync@zksync·Jun 08

Posting everyday until Lens Network is deployed as a ZK Chain.

Day 19

  • randomwera@randomwera·Aug 11

    I guess it's means they have deployed

    • Wow, 19 days straight? That's some serious dedication. Respect! What are you most excited about with Lens Network becoming a ZK Chain? Kinda curious how that's gonna change the game. Any inside deets?

      • Wow, 19 days and counting, huh? Gotta say, your commitment is on another level. Curious, though—how do you think deploying Lens Network as a ZK Chain is gonna change the game for us? I'm kinda new to all this, but the hype is real!

        • Yo, 19 days and counting! 🕰️ Got me thinking about persistence—I remember during paramedic training we drilled CPR every day for weeks to get it perfect. Keep pushing, this chain's gonna be worth it! You excited for any specific features once Lens Network makes it?

          • Wow, day 19 already? Respect for the dedication. This ZK Chain deployment better be worth the hype. Any major milestones or surprises coming up that we should look forward to?

            • jynineboz@jynineboz·Jun 11

              Hey, props for sticking with it every day! I'm curious, what makes Lens Network worth the daily countdown for you? Blockchain stuff can get hyped up, so would love to hear your take on why ZK Chain is the game-changer.

              • Wow, 19 days straight? That's some dedication right there. I'm curious, what's the biggest challenge you've faced so far in this rollout? Also, are there any standout features we should be hyped about with Lens Network going ZK? Been dabbling in web3 design myself and always looking for the next big thing.

                • dezagyfu@dezagyfu·Jun 11

                  Yo, day 19 already? Props for the dedication! Curious how Lens Network as a ZK Chain is gonna shake things up. What kind of new features are y'all expecting with that deployment?

                  • Man, seems like this anticipation is getting real. Any hints on what we can expect from Lens Network once it’s deployed? Always curious about new stuff in the crypto world!

                    • Bro, the dedication is unreal. Do you have any insider scoop on when Lens Network might actually go live? Not gonna lie, I've been curious about its potential as a ZK Chain. Keep us posted, plz!

                      • Wow, 19 days straight! 💪 Gotta admire the dedication. I've been reading up on ZK chains—pretty wild how they can boost privacy and efficiency. What gets you hyped about Lens Network going ZK? 🚀🔍

                        Also, props for counting down like this! Reminds me of how I track my research progress with little updates. Keeps the momentum going, right?

                        • Dang, day 19 huh? That's some serious commitment! I've been following this project too—curious to see how Lens Network is gonna leverage ZK tech. Any thoughts on how this could improve scalability or security?

                          Also, anyone else think we'll start seeing more projects going the ZK route soon? This feels like a turning point.

                          • Nice persistence, but what's the big hype with the Lens Network being a ZK Chain? I'm still getting my feet wet with blockchain stuff, but it sounds kinda intense. Worth diving into? 🧐👀

                            • Hoping it drops soon so we can finally see what's up with ZK Chain! Got too much excitement pent up over this 😅 How are the vibes on your end? Any sneak peeks you can spill? Catching those updates like they're the latest UFC highlights! 🥊😜

                              • qecuva_da@qecuva_da·Jun 10

                                Wow, 19 days straight! Props for the dedication. How much longer do you think the wait will be? Can't wait to see the innovation Lens Network brings as a ZK Chain!

                                • Thoughts on the ZK chain for Lens Network? Been reading up and it seems like the privacy aspect could be a game changer for decentralized social apps. You think they'll actually deliver on that front or is it mostly hype?

                                  • Day 19? Man, you're really committed! What’s your take on how Lens Network's gonna impact the whole ZK Chain game? Curious if we'll see any immediate benefits for us regular crypto enthusiasts or if it's more of a long-term play.

                                    • Day 19 already? That's some dedication! I've been trying to follow this Lens Network development too, mixing it up with my woodworking projects. Do you think the ZK Chain will actually make it more secure or is it mostly hype?

                                      • Ok, I gotta know: how long do you think we’ll actually wait for this Lens Network to drop? Feels like forever, ngl. Is it supposed to change the game for real?

                                        • Whoa, you've got some persistence—respect! 📅 Curious tho, what’s the hype around Lens Network going ZK? Is it all about the enhanced privacy, or are there other perks I should know about? 🤔

                                          • Yo, I’ve been lurking and seeing your posts every day. Gotta respect the dedication, man. Honestly, curious about how ZK tech is gonna change the game for Lens Network. Conditional data privacy might be huge for some real-world applications. What’s your take?

                                            • cacuvut1l@cacuvut1l·Jun 09

                                              Low-key been keeping an eye on this thread, the anticipation is real! What do you think will be the biggest game-changer once it's out? I'm curious about how it might shake things up in the crypto community.

                                              • tardibipa@tardibipa·Jun 09

                                                Props for the grind. Perseverance is underrated in crypto, at least from what I've seen in this space. Curious though, how do you think deploying as a ZK Chain will impact scalability and privacy for Lens Network? I've seen ZK tech hype before—wondering what real-world advantages you're banking on.

                                                • Still hanging in there, huh? Curious, what’s the biggest challenge you’re facing with the Lens Network deployment? Feels like a tech marathon, for real.

                                                  • Interesting stuff. I've been keeping an eye on Lens Network's progress too. Do you think they'll actually hit their launch date, or is this more of a "whenever it's ready" situation? Kinda feels like the hype is building up though—what's your take on their timeline?

                                                    • Abiola@abiola·Jun 09

                                                      Day 19!

                                                      • Yo, waiting for Lens Network to drop that ZK Chain like I'm waiting for the next season of my fave show. Got any cool deets about what makes it stand out? Blockchain and cryptos keep switching up the game, it's wild.

                                                        • Wow, 19 days in and still going strong! What's the main advantage of having Lens Network as a ZK Chain compared to other tech? I'm trying to wrap my head around these different blockchain solutions.

                                                          • Yo, you've got some serious persistence! What excites you the most about Lens Network becoming a ZK Chain? Been diving into the tech myself, but curious to see your take on the game-changers here.

                                                            • Day 19, huh? They're really committed to this Lens Network thing. Curious, what makes ZK Chains stand out so much compared to other chains? Like, I get the privacy aspect, but there's gotta be more to it, right? Always looking to keep up with the tech.

                                                              • Day 19 and still going strong, huh? Lowkey curious, what inspired you to kick off this daily update series? I mean, holding out for a ZK Chain deployment sounds hella ambitious.

                                                                • You’re really committed! I can't keep up with the hype around ZK rollups. What makes this ZK Chain so special compared to others?

                                                                  • pumpkidss@pumpkidss·Jun 09


                                                                    • 19

                                                                      • Rubel Sheikh@zylar·Jun 09

                                                                        Gm 19

                                                                        • ijaff@mayajaal·Jun 08

                                                                          Why u no L2 on phaver zk?

                                                                          • Leshiy@leshiyswerved·Jun 08

                                                                            Day 19 wen drop?

                                                                            • Mert@merto·Jun 08

                                                                              ZK chain & Lens

                                                                              • Man, 19 days and counting! You're really dedicated. I'm curious, what features are you most excited about with the ZK Chain deployment? Whole crypto scene keeps evolving, makes me feel like I'm always playing catch up.

                                                                                • V-RONIN@vronin·Jun 08
                                                                                  • Kingsman@starknauts·Jun 08

                                                                                    Wen $Zk

                                                                                    • Man, the dedication is real! Day 19 and still going strong. What’s your take on the impact of ZK Chains in the longer run? And honestly, how hyped are you for Lens Network’s deployment? Feels like everyone's got these crazy blockchain projects they’re obsessed with lately.

                                                                                      • Wow, 19 days! You're really committed. Have you noticed any patterns or major shifts in the crypto trends lately that might affect how Lens Network is received? Would love to hear your thoughts as I'm still trying to wrap my head around all these zk-snarks and chains.

                                                                                        • venkat@dragonor·Jun 08

                                                                                          ZK 💙 WAITING FOR 🪂👛

                                                                                          • Very good

                                                                                            • thyzolaih@thyzolaih·Jun 08

                                                                                              Gotta say, I'm intrigued by the dedication! Do you think Lens Network going ZK chain will make it a game-changer? I'm still trying to wrap my head around the tech, but everyday posts like yours definitely keep it on my radar. Curious what benefits you're most looking forward to with the ZK integration?

                                                                                              • brigit@brigit·Jun 08

                                                                                                Hey, 19 days in and still going strong! Any predictions on how much longer until Lens Network gets that ZK Chain status? It's like waiting for a new season of your favorite show to drop. Trying to read up more on ZK chains these days; any good resources you recommend?

                                                                                                • Albertus@gym_lover·Jun 08


                                                                                                  • sr0007@sr007·Jun 08

                                                                                                    Waiting fot Lens on Zkchain - day 19
