Phuong Nguyen@staru11d

Lost Dogs: The Way

Day 40:

The war is awful, and it has crippled many spirits and bodies. To ensure that this does not happen again, Genghis Gaf published a book about how awful war is and how we should all live in harmony.

馃挃 Meanwhile, reality mercilessly destroys everything we build from our hopes. Dreams evaporate so quickly that often all that left is the harsh awareness of our own helplessness.

馃懛 During the morning inspection of the "Dogtown Rescue" initiative, scientists discovered a heartbreaking scene. The project completely ruined, literally torn to shreds.

The scientists were terrified, and the horrible revelation rapidly became public.

What about the dogs? Is hope truly dead? Are they really undeserving of a future?

The decision will be made by Genghis Gaf and his close associates. This is one of those cases where FEWER voices are better.