Drum roll, please 🥁👻

We're excited to reveal our 7️⃣ grant recipients for May!

Keep reading to explore how each team is impacting @aaveaave.lens & @gho.lens. Let's get started... ⬇️

1️⃣ Sommelier Finance

Sommelier Finance is enabling the creation of state-of-the-art DeFi strategies that leverage Aave v3. Their Real Yield ETH vault by Seven Seas Capital and DeFine Logic Labs has already directed close to $5M to v3 for leveraged staking.

2️⃣ Liquidation Backtesting Tool by @wardenfinance.lens

Building upon their previous dashboards to enable anyone to simulate historical liquidation profitability for all Aave assets and deployments to validate the robustness of liquidation penalties.

3️⃣ Xenophon Labs

Xenophon Labs will perform an analysis of the Aave Safety Module and deliver a:

🧪 Research paper that determines an optimal value for the slashing percentage.

⚖️ Forum post — and governance vote, once the SM requires it — to optimize the slashing percentage.

4️⃣ Mosaic

Mosaic will continue building their data analytics platform, including provisioning Aave Liquidity data, creating a model from that data, and generating insights from the activity of Aave LPs.

5️⃣ Console by Brahma

Console will help to onboard users to Aave, improve security, and enable non-custodial asset management. Console will streamline the @gho.lens minting and position rebalancing process by leveraging Safe and @gelato.lens.

6️⃣ DeFi Simulator

DeFi Simulator will internationalize its Aave debt simulator to allow people across the globe to understand their Aave health factor and borrowing power in their local language and currency.

7️⃣ Credit Delegation Marketplace by ProtoFire | Milestone 2

The second milestone for ProtoFire.io's Credit Delegation Marketplace built on Aave using a peer-to-pool model. Current progress is visible in their Github.


Congrats to all the grantees! We're proud to have you as a part of the Aave Grants DAO fam 👻

Check out our full May update and explore past grant recipients on the governance forum: governance.aave.com/t/agd-renewal-4-recent-work-updates/11585/5?u=0xbilll

Post by @aavegrants.lens