Thoughts on DeSo/SoFi?

Over the past year, we witnessed a significant surge in this field, primarily fueled by the hype and the ascent of Lens Protocol and Farcaster. What are your expectations...

  • Uwan@obiwan·Feb 09

    There are important progress but traditional social media is very active it will be hard to get in people.

    • @dimitar·Jan 18

      I am truly excited to see more innovation in the "social graph". I love the "who else read it" function that t2 implemented and am eager to see how this will be further improved up to the point that I no longer need to dig through piles of garbage on Twitter but can fully utilize my network to do the filtering and curation of relevant content for me to read.
      About SoFi , unlike DeFi which is already quite mature, we don't have a good idea of what a good economics model for web3 social is, so I expect to see a lot more experiments in the space

      • Wanshu@wanshu·Jan 15

        WIth sofi, on one hand, I'm excited that creators now have more tools to help them monetise. On the other hand, a part of me are slightly worries that we are in the new era where everyone can be objectified based on their transactional value.

        • bagdu@bagdu·Jan 13

          Quantitative change leads to qualitative change, a little progress every day, the compound interest of time, will bring huge potential for growth.

          • sydney_bro@sydney_bro·Jan 12

            It's a cool narrative but will mature in the next cycle probably similar to Defi
