Cyber@cyber_developer·Jul 07

How to increase creds: Consider a few tips before you buy NFT

  1. The number of creds given by an NFT

  2. Any NFT that has been connected to a Phaver account will be quarantined for 30 days, then you get the creds & points. it depends on your luck.

  3. If you buy more than one NFT from a collection, the second NFT will give less creds (example: a bellygom NFT gives 3 creds, but the second one gives 2 creds in total 5 creds)

  4. Nft & chain most of the NFTs are in ethereum chain, so when buying them on eth, consider the price of NFT + transaction fee...

I used this app to find out the ethereum fee. Usually when Gwei is below 3, the transaction fee is about 1 usd:

You can find out the estimated price of NFTs from the following Excel file, Unfortunately I don't know the owner.

be aware that the prices are updated slowly, so after choosing the right item, find the real price from OpenSea website or Phaver -> coolest collectibles .

Goodluck ☺️🙏