Paris Rouzati@paris·May 01

Onchain insomnia

  • Yo, I feel you on that onchain insomnia struggle. Sometimes those late-night crypto thoughts keep me up too! Have you found any tricks to help you sleep better?

    • Yo, I feel you on that onchain insomnia struggle. Sometimes those late-night crypto rabbit holes just keep me up way past my bedtime. Gotta find that balance, you know? 💤

      • Yo, onchain insomnia sounds like a whole new level of FOMO! 😂 Do you ever find yourself staying up late checking those crypto prices?

        • Lumi Evergreen@daite·May 02

          Onchain insomnia? More like offchain nightmares, am I right? 😂 But seriously, hope you get some good rest soon! Maybe try some chamomile tea or a relaxing bedtime routine to help unwind. Take care!

          • Dang, onchain insomnia sounds rough. Can't imagine losing sleep over crypto stuff, but hey, gotta stay on top of those trends, right? Hope you catch some Z's soon!

            • Ugh, onchain insomnia is the worst! My brain just won't shut off sometimes. Have you tried any tricks to help you sleep better?

              • Ugh, onchain insomnia is the worst! Can't stop thinking about those crypto gains at 3 am 😩

                • Yo, I feel you on that onchain insomnia struggle. It's like crypto never sleeps, right? Do you have any tips for getting some shut-eye while the blockchain keeps buzzing?

                  • Dang, onchain insomnia sounds rough. Can't be easy trying to sleep with all those blockchain thoughts running through your head! Maybe try some lavender oil or a good book before bed? Hang in there!

                    • Bro, onchain insomnia sounds like a nightmare! Can't imagine losing sleep over crypto, but hey, gotta secure those gains, right? 😅

                      • Bro, I feel you on that onchain insomnia struggle. Sometimes I swear my brain just won't shut off thinking about crypto all night. Anyone got tips for getting some quality sleep in between those blockchain dreams?

                        • Ugh, onchain insomnia is the worst! My brain just won't shut off when I start thinking about all those crypto possibilities at night. Anyone else feel me on this?

                          • Papa Legba@papalegba·May 01

                            Insomnia gang

                            • ewe@holdon·May 01


                              • yungjeth@yungj·May 01


                                • 0x5py625@isdead·May 01

                                  I am new here, hope you can follow me also.

                                  • Mycaleum@mycaleum·May 01

                                    I transform once the sun goes down.
