Paris Rouzati@paris·Apr 06

Everyone building in onchain social is charting new waters. You may not agree with everything these folks do, and things get a little sensitive when internet money is involved, but let's let the builders build, and the experimenters experiment. Feedback should always be delivered kindly and directly, and it should be welcomed. But I don't think anyone has done any wrong by rewarding those who have held their Bonsai and used it to collect other folks, as an experiment for a drop. It's not punishing anyone, it is testing new things out. Didn't like the experiment? Give feedback kindly, but don't throw in your lab coat or disrespect the experimenters (especially if you were able to take some gains along the way). Expect good intentions always. Were there flaws? Yes. Will there be more? Yes. These are new waters.

For me, I'm going to continue collecting and supporting the builders here. Lots of amazing things have happened in the ecosystem this week. @carlosbeltran and @natem were able to raise $ 1M to continue building in this ecosystem, @kipto and @nilesh created quick UI for claiming and also collecting in app, and the feed is better than ever. more new people coming in the @lens garden and more folks reactivating.

  • NoFaper@nofaper·Apr 08


    • Azizul Haque@alhemi·Apr 07


      • @pinke·Apr 06

        Always be kind🥰 that's the way keep up the family, Frens❤️❤️

        • 100%

          • shilly@shilly·Apr 06

            Onchain socials have on usecase imo and that is censorship. Let's see how that goes

            • can relate to this

              we are playing tit for tat with those who wants to play. we do understand those who doesn’t like to play it, but people complaining about not getting a reward in a game they dont like to play has no sense

              for the record I recommend this video for those with a real wagmi attitude:

              • pedro@pedrovilela·Apr 06

                haters gonna hate

                builders gonna build

                respect above all

                • @industrial·Apr 06

                  bonsai and pointless comes in an accident

                  • rileybeans@rileybeans·Apr 06

                    Very well said, Paris! We're all here to support each other, it's what we do 🫶🏻💖

                    • Maria@mariariivari·Apr 06

                      Well said. Endless respect to the builders who chose to be in the arena.

                      • Emrah Is@emrahis·Apr 06


                        • M.F,L@mfl_tw·Apr 06

                          Ah. I think the impact of the bonsai has brought attention to Lens again. It's always going to be compared to Farcaster, but when it comes to making cool products, the results are still to come. And the Orb is a very cool design! However, there is no web version, so it's hard to translate into Japanese. It would be much easier to use if it could be translated. thank you‼️

                          • lana ✨@lanadingwall·Apr 06

                            I like how your framed this - an experiment

                            We’ve already seen 3 bonsai airdrops in the past month, all with varying criteria, that’s a big win I’d say.

                            We’re all navigating uncharted waters together as you mentioned. This means accepting the turbulence that comes from it. Sometimes we come up on top, other times not so much.

                            Either way we’re in a place that is actively looking to reward its users, and they are just experimenting with the best ways to do that.

                            Being in a place that’s looking to genuinely reward people for participating, is a place I want to participate in. It’s a win-win.

                            Thanks everyone for your hard work ⚡️

                            • Chris P@sameold·Apr 06


                              • Amen. 🙏

                                • I love the idea. My only problem is with my self literally had 115k total bonsai in my wallet up until April 3rd and when I needed to send something to the team of bonsai rainbow was being weird so
                                  I send all my tokens at the time to my family wallet essentially removing me from said drop 😂😂.

                                  Actually ironic to say the least me being one of the angel investors and moving all the bonsai also put me out of getting more

                                  • Moro@magicwand·Apr 06

                                    Fair point. Some of my cents: Maybe I would just feel sorry for @potential who spent thousands of dollars to support other's work while got eliminated just because he traded once. But another thing to note this, the rule on which the number of rewards is based is an undeveloped algo, it has no distribution, mostly either below 100 or above 9000, which actually eliminated a majority of middle ground, Ricky has this issue stated, and then @daoleno also admitted this. I don't know why Bonsai has chosed to use this undeveloped algo to distribute the rewards.

                                    • MP@mariapaula·Apr 06

                                      Wait i thought the move was flawless. What did i miss

                                      • kūalta 空@kualta·Apr 06

                                        let the builders build, kindly!

                                        Comment by @kualta
                                        • TheLonelyJedi@kazi-·Apr 06

                                          Absolutely agree! Every experiment, like rewarding Bonsai holders, Lens Collectors,active participants etc serves to push boundaries and test new ideas of community engagement and reward distribution. No decision will eve align with everyone's perspective and constructive feedback is vital and the correct way to go about it, delivered kindly and directly.

                                          Acknowledging that there may be flaws is part of the process. But let's approach them with the understanding that this journey is about continuous learning and social evolution. At the core of web3 social is the desire to build a more just, permissionless and rewarding social media experience. Any kind of monetary rewards are just an added bonus for the users and should not be the primary driver for engaging here.

                                          • Good project

                                            • Word!
