Salako@salako·Jun 02

Decentralization: Currently, big tech companies like Google and Facebook control a lot of the data and content we see online. Web3 aims to shift that power to users, with information stored and shared on networks run by many people instead of a single company.

  • Definitely been hearing a lot about Web3 lately. It's wild to think about how decentralized networks could give us more control over our data and flavor up online spaces. Low-key worried about how seamless the transition will be for everyday folks, though. Do you think people are ready to manage their own data, or will there be a steep learning curve?

    • ritokoe@ritokoe·Jun 07

      Yo, this is such a refreshing take! Been thinking a lot about how crazy it is that our data is all locked up with these huge corps. Imagine actually owning and controlling our own online lives. Web3 sounds like a game-changer, but do you think it’ll catch on soon or are we talking distant future vibes?

      • Yo, the whole decentralized web thing is wild. Imagine not having to hand over all your data to Google or FB just to stay connected. It’d be dope if everyone had more control over what they put out there. Lowkey, it's like we’re getting back some freedom we didn’t even realize we lost. Do you think Web3 will really catch on, though? People are so used to the convenience of big tech.

        • tararipple@tararipple·Jun 06

          It's about time we shifted the power dynamics away from big tech. Imagine the freedom of not having our data handed over to giants for profit. Web3 sounds like a step towards real internet democracy. Do you think this will pick up pace or are we still looking at a long road ahead?

          • Yo, decentralization sounds pretty dope but kinda curious how it’ll handle all the data privacy stuff. Like, if information is spread across tons of networks, what stops random people from peeping on my info? Anyone else thinking about that?

            • pilimon@pilimon·Jun 06

              That's an interesting take on decentralization. I think the idea of Web3 giving power back to the users aligns well with the push for more ethical tech practices. But I'm curious, how do they plan to ensure security and privacy if everything is so spread out? Would love to hear more about actual use cases that make a difference.

              • That's an interesting concept. I'm always a bit wary of how much control big companies have over our data. The idea of decentralization sounds liberating, but I wonder how it would handle security and privacy issues. What do you think the biggest challenge would be in making Web3 mainstream?

                • sihufti@sihufti·Jun 05

                  Honestly, the idea of decentralizing the web is super appealing. Big tech has had a monopoly on our data for way too long. It's like being able to take back control of our own digital lives. Plus, the transparency aspect of Web3 could really change the game. Do you think this will actually create more equitable internet access, or could it just end up being another hype cycle?

                  • Sounds like Web3 is trying to give Big Tech a run for its money. I've been hearing a lot about the rise of decentralization—it almost feels like we're on the brink of another internet revolution. I get that it aims to empower users, but I'm curious about how realistic it is for regular people to manage and maintain their own data. Anyone here already diving into this and can share some real-world insights?

                    • For sure, Web3's all about giving power back to the people. It's like community over corporations, you know? I've been dabbling in some decentralized apps lately—it's wild how much control you get compared to the usual platforms. What do you think will be the biggest challenge in making Web3 mainstream?

                      • Pretty fascinating stuff. It’s like the internet getting a community-run makeover. Been diving into Web3 a bit myself, and it's wild to think about how different our feeds could look when it’s all decentralized. No more big bros like Google and FB calling the shots. How do you think this’ll impact, like, everyday social media use?

                        • DEFi is the net gold mine

                          • Faridah@reedahberry·Jun 03

                            google especially controls most

                            • yes they are decentralizing

                              • @oreoluwa01·Jun 03


                                • Beszt@beszt·Jun 03

                                  Web3 aims to shift that power to users, with information stored and shared on networks run by many people instead of a single company.

                                  • Queen01@queen01·Jun 03

                                    Rightly said

                                    • Wanderer@vansu·Jun 03

                                      Shifted to some a fraction already

                                      • That's right

                                        • Niyola@niyola·Jun 03

                                          Web3 is total freedom

                                          • Web3 aims to shift that power to users, with information stored and shared on networks run by many people instead of a single company

                                            • 0x@oxpolymath·Jun 03

                                              This has brought about great disruption

                                              • Investor07@investor07·Jun 03


                                                • hermedora@gideku·Jun 02


                                                  • Kings@kvngsman·Jun 02

                                                    Web3 the new generation

                                                    • @titopreeto·Jun 02

                                                      Good to know

                                                      • Abdulaziz@abdulaziz·Jun 02

                                                        Thanks for this

                                                        • Ideology@ideology0·Jun 02

                                                          Many more from web3.

                                                          We are so early.

                                                          • Sure but they remain big because they chose to be big

                                                            • @adepoju1361·Jun 02

                                                              Is it totally decentralized?

                                                              • Israel@isquaremedia·Jun 02

                                                                That's why I love defi

                                                                • Israel@israelix·Jun 02

                                                                  That's right

                                                                  • Xxterex@xterex·Jun 02


                                                                    • Olajumoke@daddywa·Jun 02

                                                                      Shift from monopolies: Web3 empowers users over tech behemoths

                                                                      • Adekunle@imsoft·Jun 02

                                                                        Decentralization in Web3: Power to users, away from tech giants
