Here’s how to get nearly anything you want.

The other day I told my boyfriend “hey I’m gonna get a speaker slot for ETH Milan last minute”

He said “how???” 😮

I said “pass me the founder’s telegram.”

I texted: “hey it’s Dayana. We were both at Napul ETH. I’d love to MC/ moderate a panel for you too. Here’s my LinkedIn to put a face to the name”

He goes “I know you! Can you do a panel on derivatives?”

Me: “Done.”

Locked in within the hour.

So what’s the lesson here?

1) ASK for what you want.

Don’t assume that people know. They don’t.

Want the job? Apply.

Want the speaking gig? Say something.
2) Give massive value**

Wanting things is easy. But why should people care? What’s in it for their project?

Make it obvious. Don’t imagine they know.

Share your ideas, portfolio, resume - don’t expect people to take you for your word.

Do these 2 things and you’ve got a really great shot at getting what you want.😊

What’s something you really want???

  • OldVirgin@oldvirgin·Sep 21

    Pizza Day)

    • SAO

      • Realy Beauty

        • Tony Stark@scr0ll·Sep 21


          • Putin@notavailale·Sep 21

            So beauty

            • Stevy L@stevii·Sep 21

     somehow making all the difficult phenomenally situations seem pretty easy! And they actually work! 💫✨

              • zhangying@banliegou·Sep 21

                dan gao

                • Yes! 1) You can establish the connection on another platform like LinkedIn first. I’ve noticed that web3 people are quite responsive and once you exchange a few messages say hey can we take this to telegram?

                  1. engage with them on X frequently and then DM there (I made a really great friend just from genuinely liking their posts and commenting and now we’ve hung out irl multiple times and they’ve introduced me to their friends)

                  2. get someone who knows the person fairly well to intro you - that way you’re going in on pre-established trust by proxy

                  Hope this helps ❤️

                  • Hi dee, this sounds great.

                    My current challenge is getting past Telegram's "Can't dm non mutual contacts" notifications.

                    Any ideas?
