
GM frens. 🫡Yesterday, we had another creator meeting. For those who haven't met them yet, we had the pleasure of getting to know @tinyrainboot and @jessyjeanne, both of whom shared their stories in a fascinating and sometimes touching way about how they single-handedly built their own brand and achieved their current admirable status. Many useful tips were shared along the way. After that, our master of ceremonies, Chris, introduced us to Rasim, who is apparently responsible for all the updates and technical features of Phaver. And what brilliant updates are coming, folks. Below is the spreadsheet with a standout feature: hashtags. This will likely be accompanied by a post and content-based search function And gifs and jpgs in the comments. Isn't that what we've all been waiting for? How cool is that? 🤗 Rasim also told me that my idea to include mirrors in notifications will be implemented soon. Know that Phaver is also working to maximize your returns from Phaver and its partners. A lot more was discussed, but this message is limited to 1200 chars, so just let it all sink in, frens, the future looks bright 🔥 Remember this: Keep Phavering, you won’t regret it. 😉🔥🦄💙