anou91@anou91·May 14

In the abyssal depths of the ocean, where sunlight never penetrates, lies a fearsome creature known as the Thalasson. Half-alien, half-marine creature, Thalasson is a super villain whose sole goal is to rule the oceans by sowing terror and destruction.

Thalasson was once a scientist exiled from his home planet for his banned experiments on genetic manipulation. Seeking vengeance and power, he found refuge in Earth's oceans, using his knowledge to modify his own body in order to survive underwater. With his fearsome appearance and superhuman abilities, he quickly became a fearsome legend among sea creatures.

Determined to take control of the oceans, Thalasson comes up with a diabolical plan: poison the water with a deadly toxin he created. This toxin is designed not only to kill fish and other forms of marine life, but especially to exterminate mermaids, the mystical guardians of the oceans. The mermaids, with their captivating songs and deep wisdom, are the only ones who can oppose him and restore balance to the sea.

(you can read in comment the end of story)

@monniverseofficial @cmn__ @electricfilm @fkaycollectionz @1_cryptoman @crypto0xshep

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    • Atahan@atahan·May 14

      The Guardians Team is here 😎

      • Carla Monni@cmn__·May 14


        • anou91@anou91·May 14

          Thalasson begins his sinister plan by releasing his toxin into the underwater currents, causing the poison to slowly but inexorably spread. The mermaids, sensing imminent danger, call an emergency council. Among them is Lyra, a young mermaid with a pure heart and indomitable courage. Lyra comes up with a daring plan: infiltrate Thalasson's fortress and destroy the source of the toxin.

          With the help of a few trusted allies, Lyra sets out on a perilous mission. Together, they navigate through dark and hostile waters, avoiding Thalasson's deadly traps. When they finally reach the fortress, they discover the source of the toxin: a complex machine powered by an alien crystal.

          The confrontation with Thalasson is inevitable. Lyra and her friends fight bravely, using their intelligence and agility against Thalasson's brute strength and terrifying powers. At the climax of the battle, Lyra manages to destroy the crystal, neutralizing the toxin. Weakened and defeated, Thalasson is forced to retreat into the deepest abyss, vowing one day revenge.

          Thanks to Lyra's courage and determination, the oceans are saved, and peace is restored. The mermaids celebrate their victory, knowing that as long as they keep watch, no evil can ever rule their watery kingdom.

          • Here we are

            • Carla Monni@cmn__·May 14

