HakanD@dermanli·May 29

Yesterday morning, she fell asleep in front of my bedroom door while waiting for me to wake up. When I opened the door she woke up and stretched her paws towards me. I hugged her and she hugged my neck. We went down the stairs to the living room. She was humming peacefully. At the same time, she was rubbing her face on mine. It was like she was kissing me. She suddenly jumped from my lap and ran to the exit door. I opened the door and she go out. I called after her: “Don't go too far! Play around here!” I will give you food soon!” She looked at me, sniffed the air and started running towards the garden. That was the last time I saw her alive 😔 “Did you know you were going to die?! Was all this to say goodbye to me? Maybe you're happy that you're an angel now. But I'm so sorry”😞 Goodbye my black child! Goodbye my Black Böcük! Goodbye my Pekmez! Goodbye! Goodbye!… 😢😢😢👼🏿🐈⬛

  • @pinke·Jun 13

    😢 That's so sad 😢😢

    • asa03@asa03·Jun 02

      Sorry to hear this news,I m sure that your pet is in heaven now

      • Sorry to hear this news, I m sure that your pet is in heaven now , I pray that God would comfort you and give you peace.

        • @alfonfernandez·May 29

          Stay strong!

          • @leo_vitalis·May 29

            Sorry for your loss

            • @jinn032266·May 29


              • zayn@zaynn·May 29

                Çok üzüldüm abicim. Güzel bir dosttu bizim için özellikle senin için ❤️🙏🏼🙏🏼😢

                • @aysuduru·May 29

                  Başın sağ olsun

                  • Zeynep@93393·May 29

                    Çok üzüldüm gerçekten. Benimde evde 2 tanem var ve ailenin bireyleri gibi oluyorlar. Bizimde geçen sene bir tane kedimiz ölmüştü ve sizi çok iyi anlıyorum 😔

                    • Serkan60@serkan60·May 29

                      Köpeğini kaybetmiş birisi olarak Seni çok iyi anlıyor ve acıni paylaşıyorum abim, malesef güzel dostluğunuz buraya kadarmış artık güzel anılarınızı düşünerek yadeceksin meleği😔

                      • Aylinhanim@aylinhanim·May 29

                        Ağlattınız beni.cok uzuldum kediler öleceğini bildiğinde uzaklaşmak isterlermis.benimde iki tane kedim var.😢

                        • That's sad

                          • gulhansa@gulhansa·May 29

                            Böcük, your little angel, will always be with you ❤️

                            • Oh my dear my beautiful baby 💜

                              • Bozcan23@bzcn23·May 29

