The DeFi Metro@thedefimetroΒ·Jul 16

Be among the pioneers! πŸ₯‡

Mint Launches their Blockchain Name Service, featuring SpaceID Protocol 🟒

Secure your unique Mint NS name before anyone else ✨️

Easy peasy:
β€’ Goto:
β€’ Connect your wallet & ensure you have enough ETH on mint Blockchain to cover the fees.
β€’ Search for your unique name to ascertain the availability.
β€’ Choose your preferred plan. It's about $5+ worth of Eth per year.
β€’ Click Register and mint πŸŽ‰

Mega Alpha: use your OKX wallet to fulfill the task easily, copy the mint link above and paste in your DApp browser, this would enable you to "add and switch" to mint network with a single click. Wait for the pop-up notification. click "add custom rpc"

Sharing my coolest mint with you below. 😎