MIKHRALI@mikhrali·Nov 11

I would like to share some thoughts regarding Lens and profiles in it. Namely about their pumping. The idea came when an NFT in the form of a green man fell on my wallet. Let's get to the point.

What if all our skills (number of followers, posts, likes, reposts and other activities) change the appearance of our NFT in the form of a green character?

This type of functionality is implemented in the Zerion wallet. Where for every activity on the network (mainly for swaps) our character changes appearance - “Dynamic NFT”.

Thus, our account in Lens will be pumped up efficiently and it will be difficult for sibils with a bunch of profiles to conduct quality activity on their other accounts.

What do we end up with? Weeding out low-quality profiles and attracting new ones + incentive for early users, those who produce quality content.

Share your thoughts?

#Lens #Web3

Post by @mikhrali
  • lcry55@lcry55·May 27

    I love your piiiiic

    • love ◱ ◱@yylove·Nov 13

      It seems very nice

      • Jeremy@fortunetrees·Nov 13


        • @lensme·Nov 12

          That’s so informative

          • Decentralized@okok123·Nov 12

            This pic would be really cool

            • Mikhrali I actually really enjoy this idea a lot, and I think it would be a fun way to honor those building intentionally on Lens. It would also be cool if that Dynamic NFT representing our profile & the visual component you're mentioning, is attached to our pfp whenever people visit our profiles. But like how the avatars are on Instagram, where it reveals itself then hides again until you swipe over their main image. (See example in the video attached)

              This way, people can still have the image they wish to represent them, and also have a nice way to show off their blossoming Lens pedals.

              • Mesut@mesutgulecen·Nov 11

                Incentives for early users, especially those who produce quality content, should be a key focus, in my opinion. Currently, each Lens app is trying to empower early users in its own way, but a complete model for this is lacking.

                ❌ Most creators here aren't professionals in writing or growth hacking, etc.
                ❌ Most apps don't offer token incentives to users; only @kaira and @teaparty do, as far as I know, and they are still experimenting.

                Therefore, my view is that apps should address some fundamental needs, and Lens should support them in this effort. We need more educational content for newcomers and more growth support for creators and projects

                • marklar@marklar·Nov 11

                  The problem is Zerion activities cost money whereas Lens does not.

                  And there’s no meaningful way to capture quality time v. Free Sybil farming w/o an adequate slashing mechanism that can’t possibly keep up with the bots.

                  So your left with capital and influence as already tends to be the case in crypto. And their content is almost never the best.

                  • I love your piiiiic

                    • Lana@lanaling·Nov 11

                      dynamic DNK NFT is a unique development of the @zerion team. An original idea, if the team gives away their “franchise” it would be interesting to watch how NFT Lens changes and grows

                      • AlicΞ@punkess·Nov 11

                        sounds amazing having a dynamic lens nft sounds great … talking about dynamic lens NFTs … @lensgardennft @0xzelda 👀

                        • its a great idea even for following new people out of the radar

                          • tiny@tinyrainboot·Nov 11

                            That would be really cool tbh

                            • Sidd@siddxa·Nov 11

                              I think it's a great idea if somehow done without putting a heavy strain on network resources. After all, when there are millions of users and everyone's activity will be tracked and avatar will be dynamically changed, there may be problems.
