Thanks for the tip and collect frens 👺👹
Embrace the Chaos 🔥🔥🔥
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ildhood photos of Taylor Swift and Austin Swift at the Stone Harbor Museum.
you mean we shouldn’t just “get over it” as you told the kids that went through that school sho
take the man out of the obi-wan but u can’t take the obi-wan out of the man
post, made some headlines, got invited to her birthday party, went there, came back home, and then unliked it. This has to be one of the funniest things he has ever done
as a country girl in the Deep South that nigga was already familiar with da game
Swift (220.2M units sold) surpassed Eminem and is now the best selling artist debut
ead is for all the Gym bros and Gym baddies. Drop a picture of you at the gym. Let’
d the CUTEST new Taylor magazine today and it is A-Z of all things Taylor and you HAVE to see what they did for H (Thread of a few of the letters