Emerging Technology is a cultural revolution. It’s human evolution.

The cat is out of the bag, the horse has bolted, the pigeon has flown the coup. We are a technological species.

And you aren’t a bystander, you’re an integral part of the culture. You’re part of technology and technology, in all its idiosyncrasies and uncertainties, is part of you.

It’s a symbiotic relationship.

Not just because you carry it around with you; that it’s in your pocket, by your bed, on your table. You’re looking at it now. It’s not just because it helps form your relationships, curate your relationships and end your relationships; it goes deeper than that.

It’s shaping your entire world, even if you can’t see it or feel it.

As any NFT professional will tell you, technology works best when it’s invisible.

But emerging technology isn’t always inconspicuous. Sometimes it’s a drunken barfly, shouting in your face, spilling beer on the bar, causing a stir. Then it falls onto the stage, front and centre, in the spotlight.

And that’s when technology is at its most exciting. And as AI is showing us, dangerous.

This is what we believe: emerging tech is shaping our collective culture.

From the grass roots musician, the Hollywood power brokers, the artists, the lawyers, the CEOs and the storytellers, to the universities, philosophers, charities and game companies.

Its presence is everywhere.

Your children will live, work, talk, play and dream in tech.

Their children will have AI assistants indistinguishable from a human.

Brands, founders, CEOs and individuals. The ones who understand this will thrive.

How do you keep track?

How do you stay relevant and up-to-date?

This is why Jeremy and I created Thinking On Paper.

To understand.

To evolve.

And then to share what we learn.

Who is Thinking On Paper for?
If you’re curious, Thinking On Paper is for you.

If you want to learn more, Thinking On Paper is for you.

If you want to be part of the conversation and ask the questions that matter. Thinking On Paper is for you.

If your Twitter and LinkedIn feed bombard you with a wall of monotonous, shallow content. Thinking On Paper is for you.

If you’re a writer, storyteller, CEO or marketer. Thinking On Paper is for you.

If you’re building the culture of the future. Thinking On Paper is for you.

If you’re not following trends. Thinking On Paper is for you.

Welcome home.

Pour yourself a glass of Dom Perignon, go for a run, meditate, call your gran. Do whatever you do to celebrate small victories.

Then come back and expand your mind.

#web3 #emergingtechnology #culture