Eduard@iostan·Jul 27

I wondered how people are using Artificial Intelligence and Data Science here.

I want to donate my skills to the @lensprotocol.lens ecosystem or projects built on it. I humbly consider that it has many prospects for the entire web3.

Does anyone need my help? It would be a win-win situation for both sides. I’m trying to grow in the ecosystem, and you could harness my 7+ years of research in the field.

I don’t know (yet) React, JS, Node, et al. I’m trying to learn. But I know a lot about data and machine learning.

I would much appreciate any feedback/mirror!

  • I built FriesGPT with @attraction.lens

    • Ryan Fox@ryanfox·Jul 30

      Awesome! I believe most of the apps built here are going to be utilizing AI in some way, eventually. From a structural design perspective it makes too much sense not to! Glad to have you on board!

      First, I would check out what @betashop9.lens is doing with Airstack ( ) That's a great use of AI + onchain data.

      Second, I would love to know how you would approach getting an AI assistant/chatbot to read the contents of an Ethereum wallet or Lens data/Collects, and use that for a personalized experience? How could I point something like my own ChatGPT at my long form writing on Lens to understand my writing style, or how can it understand my collected music/art preferences? I don't need exact answers, but I'm just wondering at a high level things like: does this require an app to pull the data from Ethereum and store it in a vector database? Or is there something like Google's Tailwind where you can feed it a file and have it understand the contents? What are the structural basics to make this work?

      Any comments on this would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

      • AlicΞ@punkess·Jul 30

        gm Eduard, great you are here, there is sooo much to do :-)
        From a data / content perspective imo content based recommendations are one of the most interesting challenges.
        @jessyjeanne.lens is currently feeding lens data into a LLM (friesGPT) which sounds interesting.
        What do you think? What are you excited about to work on?
