⚡️⚡️Meet the team behind @electricfilm%E2%9A%A1%EF%B8%8F%E2%9A%A1%EF%B8%8F

CO-FOUNDER Olga Lamontanara

Meet Olga, the powerhouse of film production and management. With a sharp eye for storytelling and a passion for filmmaking, Olga takes the lead in shaping the creative direction of projects. What sets her apart is her dedication to supporting female filmmakers and artists from underrepresented groups.

After studying Arts & Cultural Management and gaining experience in New York and Turin, she made her mark at TorinoFilmLab, where she spearheaded special projects and communications, collaborating with renowned events like Cannes Semaine de la Critique and Locarno Film Festival's Open Doors section. Since then, she's freelanced for various industry events and subsequently worked as a producer with Swiss companies 8horses, Amka Films and Cinédokké. She’s also the Head of Co-Production Forum for the European Short Pitch initiative.

Post by @electricfilm.lens