·Jul 04

Dear Lens fam, how do you explore your curiosity? How did you first learn about crypto?

At ( ) our mission is to educate the world on blockchain technology by using its technology and artificial intelligence to scale crypto knowledge. recently integrated OpenAI's GPT-4 model to distill complex wiki articles into concise 256-character summaries in a matter of seconds. In 2023, one of's main objectives will be to integrate AI into the platform and develop a system around training artificial intelligence. In doing so, we want to develop meaningful and authentic relationships with others and share our vision in making blockchain more discoverable and accessible around the world with information they can trust.

We are currently building more AI tools including an AI powered search engine and an AI powered summarized crypto news platform.

We believe in Lens’ vision and have seen the Lens community's appreciation for genuine innovation in the blockchain space. We believe that our objectives and principles closely align with those of the Lens community. We are excited to bring the world’s largest blockchain and cryptocurrency encyclopedia to @lensprotocol!

Feel free to fill out our dedicated Brainlist form for the Lens Community to join if you are a writer or want to learn more about blockchain and cryptocurrency!

Post by @iqwiki.lens