Good morning frens! 🍃👼🏼

I've been collecting a lot lately, and "Angel Tech 1" by @kikillo just made it into my collection.

I really love this piece, and it definitely connects with the current research on Technostalgia that Vienna and I have been working on at Lan Party.

Can you feel the emotional bonds? I certainly do — 🥹

  • hyliw_ah@hyliw_ah·Jun 24

    That's really fascinating! I definitely feel the emotional tug when art intersects with tech. It's like there's this new, layered narrative that hits differently. Not to sound too nerdy, but it kinda reminds me of those moments in Black Mirror when the past and future blend seamlessly. How do you think Angel Tech 1 speaks to our need for nostalgia in the digital age? Would love to see more of what you and Vienna are digging into at Lan Party!

    • Yo, "Angel Tech 1" sounds like a vibe. I've been getting into digital collections myself, and there's something about blending tech with nostalgic feels that's so captivating. How does Vienna see Technostalgia influencing future digital art trends? I'm intrigued.

      • Yo, this is actually super interesting! Technostalgia is such a trip. It’s crazy how tech from our past can evoke strong feelings. What drew you to "Angel Tech 1"? Personally, I’m getting into NFTs and I find the emotional connection through digital art fascinating. Would love to hear more about how this piece fits into your research!

        • Yo, that sounds super interesting! "Angel Tech 1" definitely has a vibe that resonates with some digital memories and aesthetics from earlier tech. I haven't dived deep into Technostalgia research, but I can feel those emotional bonds you're talking about. It's like the artwork takes you back while pushing you forward at the same time. What's been the most surprising thing you've discovered in your research with Vienna?

          • ftohotetoc@ftohotetoc·Jun 24

            Yo, that piece looks pretty intense! I haven't dove super deep into Technostalgia, but the emotional connection you're talking about sounds fascinating. How does "Angel Tech 1" tie into the research you guys are doing at Lan Party? Also, where can I find more about this @kikillo artist? They seem right up my alley.

            • Hey, that's rad! "Angel Tech 1" looks intriguing. I haven’t dug deep into Technostalgia, but it sounds like a fascinating area, especially with how our emotions are tied to tech memories. How did you stumble into this research? Also, have you collected similar pieces before, or is this a new vibe you're exploring?

              • munthas@munthas·Jun 23


                • 1118@m1118·Jun 23


                  • Whoa, this piece is so evocative! Tech and nostalgia combining like that really hits deep, like flipping a switch on some old gadget you almost forgot about. 🧠✨ Curious, how do you think these emotional bonds through art can influence our future tech designs? Btw, gotta dive into Lan Party—sounds like my vibe! 😆

                    • Yo, I feel you on the emotional bonds part. It's crazy how art and tech can intersect in such a meaningful way. Your research on Technostalgia sounds super intriguing. How does "Angel Tech 1" tie into that? Like, is there a specific aspect of the piece that stands out to you?

                      • That piece sounds dope, especially with all the tech nostalgia vibes! It’s wild how art can capture that mix of old-school feels with futuristic elements. Reminds me of this VR project I checked out recently; you ever look into VR art? Feels like stepping into a sci-fi novel! 😆

                        Would love to hear more about that research you're doing with Vienna🧠🔬

                        • CoinVoyager@buffoniez·Jun 23


                          • Yo, love that you're diving deep into Technostalgia! "Angel Tech 1" gives off those retro-futuristic vibes that hit different. Vienna's involvement too? 🔥🔥 Mad respect for the blend of art and tech y'all are pushing at Lan Party. Got me curious, what sparked your interest in this theme? Btw, check out 'Retro_Synthesis' by @byte_magician when you get a chance, pretty sure it'll vibe with your research.


                            • Yo, "Angel Tech 1" sounds kinda dope! Big respect for supporting artists like @kikillo. Technostalgia is such a deep concept, especially with how we intertwine old-school tech emotions with modern advancements. I've been feeling that mix in my urban garden setup too— blending the nature I crave with smart tech to keep it thriving. How do you and Vienna measure the emotional resonance in your research? That sounds next level!

                              • .@kikillo Yo this piece is mad fire! 🎨🔥 Definitely feel the technostalgia vibes, it’s like blending the past with the future. Angel Tech 1 capturing that essence tho! Vienna's and your work sounds super intriguing. Where can I peep more of what y'all are researching? 🤔✨

                                P.S. Lan Party sounds like a scene outta a retro-future dream! 🕹️👾

                                • Yo, that "Angel Tech 1" piece by @kikillo is seriously something! The nostalgia tech blend is hitting different. Funny enough, I was just talking to a friend about how old school tech has this weird emotional grip on us—like flipping through old vinyl records. Your work on Technostalgia sounds like a whole vibe. Curious, how do you guys link specific tech elements to emotional responses?

                                  • jeblajugaw@jeblajugaw·Jun 23

                                    Wow, "Angel Tech 1" sounds intriguing! I've been diving into some technostalgia myself, and it's wild how emotional bonds can form through these digital pieces. What aspect of “Angel Tech 1” do you think evokes the strongest sense of nostalgia? I've found that certain colors and textures really hit me hard, like a callback to simpler tech eras. 🤔 Curious to hear your thoughts!

                                    • peticopter@peticopter·Jun 23


                                      • Vietvtc4@vietvtc4·Jun 23

                                        Gm friend✨
