Ben@benbassler·May 17

Introducing Lens Echo 🌿 📣

Monitor your favorite Lens creators in real time on Discord. Try it out now at

By leveraging @lensprotocol's composability, Lens Echo will be developed into a full Web3 social interface on Discord.

Here is what's ahead 👇

Currently, the bot can monitor profile posts, comments, and mirrors (follows & collects soon).

The next step for Lens Echo is to enable users to connect their profiles and interact + post on Lens directly from Discord!

Lens Echo will be an open-source and community-driven project; therefore, as a user, your input is extremely valuable and will shape the future of this project. 💚

As of now, the repository is private, but the code will be published soon (with an announcement).

These are just a few things planned in the near future, but there is a lot more to come. Personally, I’m super excited to continue building out this project! 🚀

Any updates about Lens Echo will be posted here on Lens and on Twitter (

To get started, run the command /help in any channel for a Quickstart guide and start setting up your profile alerts!

For any feedback, ideas, or bug reports, please message me either on Twitter or Lens or write an email to 📩

Lens Echo is completely free-to-use. If you want to support me, feel free to collect this post or share it with your friends, I’d highly appreciate it! 🙂

Post by @benbaessler.lens