Not of my business what other creators do with their art but I find so ethically wrong to mint the same artworks in different chains over and over again, it breaks with all the principles of what nfts are supossed to be but idk it’s just my opinion maybe Im just a snob

  • Leo@leo_block16·1h

    I think the ideal situation would be to mint on the Ethereum mainnet (to preserve authenticity and permanence—who knows how long those Layer 2s will survive), but deploy contracts on various Layer 2s to allow migration (giving everyone the freedom to choose).

    • jams@ethvip·1d

      This problem can be solved after the interconnection of all chains

      • It’s crazy that there is ppl in the comments debating this, guys it is wrong an you are hurting your reputation

        • GRAMS@grams·1d

          The Zora app has had me thinking lately (and also triple checking I didn’t offer anything as an edition here earlier lol) it’s just hard to consider posts on there the same as a NFT elsewhere with no settings, price adjustment, etc. so trying to use it as more of a sketchbook/diary of sorts instead of serious because if it’s serious then we’re reducing our value even more than we already have and will be right back where we started with IG real quick - zero

          • I’m the same way. I have a couple of exceptions in which I will repost a mint again. If I originally offer say 1000 for sale, but did not sell out, I’ll offer it again with the max count being what was left of the original 1000. And, if a particular piece was extremely popular, and I set the limit low, sold out, I’ll consider offering it again as an open edition, with a frame and some kind of overlay about how popular it was. A ‘special edition.’ In this case, the celebratory 2nd offering I’d give a copy of to those who bought the original, and I’d price it much lower, with unlimited mints so as to allow more fans the chance. Those are pretty specific scenarios tho. lol.

            • Agree!

              • I see this everytime! I just shake my head 😂.

                • who is doing this
                  that’s unethical

                  • grelied@grelied·2d

                    period mami🗣️

                    • Wtf? I had no idea there are people who do that. This was a newbie mistake or attempt to scam at the early stage of NFT, surprised it’s considered ok by anyone tbh
