Wolf@jwolf·Jun 26

Web3 is going invisible... this is the year when projects who overspent/overhired can't raise their next round and drop off for good.

Only projects left will be the ones with strong web2 partners, scalable market utility TODAY (not tm) and people who made like bandits in the bull and saved conservatively enough to have a sustainable treasury to keep iterating / R&D without depending on more investors.

The segmentation of web3 versus traditional tech is over. AI, Blockchain, XR, and the like will converge back into the overarching umbrella of "tech". Blockchain will be at the epicenter of this next tech wave, of course. But no end-user (like your younger sister or 70-year-old mom) will have any idea they are using it.

  • Stani@stani·Jun 26

    realy depends, I think overhiring sure a problem but there are lot of lean and mean teams out there
