Linea@linea·Dec 06

The Proof of Humanity wave is coming soon!👀

In preparation, we wanted to go through some crucial consideration points.

Remember: Linea Voyage XP (LXP) are NON-TRANSFERABLE.⚠️ This means that once LXP are collected in a wallet account, they cannot be moved. It is therefore crucial to accumulate LXP in one wallet to accurately measure your contribution to the growth of the Linea network.

✴️How does POH work?

LXP can only be minted on accounts that can prove human ownership. This is done by examining your account’s historical data across multiple chains. 

Users will be able to carry out POH through identity partners once the POH wave is launched.

✴️How can I ensure POH success?

If you engage with the Linea Voyage using a new account, distinguishing your activity from that of a bot will be challenging, making Proof of Humanity more complex.

We recommend designating your main account as the “primary account” for the Linea Voyage, and accumulating your Voyage XP there. This approach simplifies the POH process and offers the best user experience. 🔑

We do understand that using your primary account may not always be practical or secure. Therefore, the Linea team developed a way to bind multiple accounts on🥳

✴️How do I bind my accounts?

On, you should be able to connect and set up your primary account, which must pass POH through the Verax registry, and then designate a series of ‘secondary accounts aka alternative accounts that you may use across activations. 

Once the accounts are bound, any XP intended for your secondary accounts will be minted on your primary account.

⚠️ Before binding an account, it is important to note that binding is an irreversible action. Once a secondary account is bound, XP will automatically accumulate in your primary account and your secondary account moving forward will not collect any XP. Consider carefully before binding!

Once the accounts are bound, Voyagers are free to engage with activations using any wallet account, including accounts on embedded wallets.🔮

Looking for a step by step wallet binding tutorial? Here it is:

  • @51617·Dec 19

    Why is requiring gas from people? I am seeing "gas" in the comments a lot

    • @cozygrail·Dec 18

      What is the point of LXP?

      • Felcoin@fanshufen·Dec 16

        Thanks for the summary, but it is important to highlight that the high gas fee makes the tasks very expensive

        • JRojeres@jrojeres·Dec 16

          Good Job

          • fee is high

            • @elon11·Dec 13


              • MYZ Artist@00126·Dec 12

                Summary of interesting statistics of the campaign

                Wave 4 - 811k people

                Wave 5 - 670k people

                The Proof of Humanity 290k good job team

                • babycapital@ladyhuhe·Dec 11


                  • @handle1·Dec 10


                    • high gas, please airdrop soon so we can stay loyal to linea xD

                      • TsiMaN@tsiman·Dec 09

                        always more

                        • bus@busimus·Dec 08

                          i promise i'm human, gib max airdrop :^)

                          • Morteza@holoride·Dec 08

                            gas is killing me.

                            • TheLonelyJedi@kazi-·Dec 06

                              What you laid down in the name of POH verification is laughable. Wallets opened days ago can jump the floor level Trusta bars with flying colours. How can a Sybil score of -1 be the same as a score of 60? This is more of a "proof of being able to spend few hundreds $" rather than proof of humanity. This is laughable.

                              • defifury@defifury·Dec 06

                                Your gas fees are outrageous especially for a L2

                                • Bob@palms·Dec 06

                                  gas gas gas

                                  • ZELDA@0xzelda·Dec 06

                                    lol fix your gas fees 🤡

                                    • Jimmy@krown·Dec 06

                                      Thanks for clarifying
