Quick questions:

When people create their free @orb account…

  1. Do they get and own a new Lens Handle?
  2. If they only need an email, where does the money from collects goes to?

Thank you 🌿

  • Kipto | Orb@kipto·May 16

    We’ll write about the whole flow one day soon!

    The gist is that we create them a safe multisig and mint the profile and handle there, at the same time we assign the orb wallet to be the delegated executor.

    To access the multisig, we compute another address from the email using privy. This address acts as the 1/1 signer.

    Assets eg money from collects can be withdrawn from withdraw.orb.club

    Admin functionality such as delegating other addresses and attaching multisigs coming next.

    • jdotfinn@jdotfinn·May 16

      Can speak to this since I seem to have signed up this way.

      I think it is similar to Farcaster where account is linked to email + a wallet.

      Airdrops + tokens etc. are sent to wallet address linked to @ handle and email, but can’t withdraw or claim handle until wallet keys are included.

      @nilesh hinted this is on the roadmap.

      TLDR is you can interact fully on Orb with the handle, deposit tokens, and mint, but not claim handle or withdraw. That has been my experience to date.

      • Jayhood@jayhood·May 16

        If they didn’t mint their handle they don’t own it. I came on through pools right before it opened to everyone and minted mine.

        • Exoteric@exoteric·May 16

          This is just my speculation but I’m almost certain as I’ve seen many crypto services offering “send to email” recently.

          They do not get a Lens handle unless the purchase one or mint one.

          And, using account abstraction, it’s possible to create a trustless wallet tied to an email address or phone number. It’s a bit like how XMTP can be for DMs or emails.
