Kaira@kairaSep 30

Kaira Guild just dropped new quests! Complete tasks, earn XP, and unlock exclusive rewards in the future.

These XPs could be your golden ticket to something big coming SOON 馃憖

Check it out now 馃憞
[guild.xyz/kaira ](guild.xyz/kaira))

  • Urban Raccoon@bossanovaOct 07

    I like something big

    • Eremita@cavernaeremitaSep 30

      Pretty cool! But I noticed that the Guild gets a bit messed up when you have more than one Lens profile/handle on the same wallet (which is my case). That way I can't complete the quests with my main profile because it doesn't allow me to choose it. 馃榿

      • Lensholic@lensholicSep 30

