Melike@melikebarut·May 09

If you could create a law, what would it be?

Those who want to become parents should pass a psychological test and get approval from an expert. Because I honestly don't think that everyone can be a parent!
What's your law if you could do it?

  • @chemodan·May 10


    • zkJΞw🦇🔊@zkjew·May 10

      There be no laws where humans get to take away a non violent humans right.

      • Kenaz@simons22659·May 10

        I think it should be moral

        • Lazra◱ ◱@oxxxxx·May 09

          I responded to you on Lenster aswell,came in here to start a topic:=)
          This question is so complicated,i had my first child when i was too young and at a time i didn't really understand the massive responsibility a child would bring.
          There is nothing that can really prepare you for whats to come,and i have seen so many couples that are struggling in their own relationship that they believe a Baby will bring them closer and fix everything,and then break up after 3 months after the baby is born.
          A law that would make sense,is to see a video of a real world couple during their last 3 months of Pregnancy and 3 months after birth.

          • Replyguy@replyguy·May 09

            so you would deprive people of the greatest gift there is in life because they failed a test? I know absolute r*tards who are the best parents out there. I know super intellects who neglect their children. People also change after the fact of having children

            • Great question!

              I’d create a law that ensured everyone would connect with someone who was quite different from them in a significant way. Whether it was someone from a different culture, sexuality, dis/ability, etc. I think that kind of exposure and learning would make the world a better place. 😊

              • Lazra◱ ◱@oxxxxx·May 09

                Everyone can have a child,but not everyone can be a parent is such a profound statement,because its so hard at times.
                I have 3 Beautiful Kids,2 Girls and 1 Boy.
                The only thing they really need is Love,safety and care.

                If you can give them that,the rest will fall into place.

                • Rohit Kumar@rohukr·May 09

                  I would say a worldwide educational law is very much necessary. we teach every kid in the world an education to learn new things on their own.

                  • Good law idea ! ☝🏼

                    Hmmmm difficult question

                    • Lufo@lufoart·May 09

                      They will ban your law saying that everyone can learn with the time and the experience. But if you ever manage to get it approved, I'll add different spaces for families with children in airplanes, trains, bars, etc. I'll even give a cheaper price to those seats, so if anyone with no children wants to travel for 12 hours with screams it will be their own responsibility.

                      Do you wanna know where does my frustration come from?
                      Take a look:

                      • Idiot peoples opinion doesn’t count

                        • Bensu Kaya@bensu·May 09

                          I would devise a law where no human or animal would be left homeless

                          • Ava@lenslady·May 09

                            I would require an upper age limit and IQ test for voting 😂

                            • Ali Demir@aauxp·May 09

                              getting condoms would be free

                              • Irem Er@iremer·May 09

                                Whether for public toilet or your personal bathroom, all bathrooms will be left clean after use !

                                • Bababudan@eyecontact·May 09

                                  no laws or rules. The law of the jungle demands: kill or be killed 🦧🍌

                                  • MazeMari@mazemari·May 09

                                    If I could create a new law, I'd get rid of all the Visa regulations concerning foreign nationals entering different countrues. I understand that it may bring certain amount of chaos into international migration. But i had to apply for visas so many times that strongly believe that visas are redundant

                                    • @10086lens·May 09


                                      • Your answer is sooooooo tricky cuz it's true, but it's also a human right to have kids. What an absolute minefield of a discussion this could be 😂

                                        • Ban all degens from degenning like @pwoseidon.lens

                                          • What you touched on is absolutely true, I would probably prefer to support it rather than creating a new law :) since "childhood traumas" lie at the root of most of the psychological problems we experience at our age.
                                            The law I would probably propose would be related to labor rights, such as regulations on productive working hours, vacation periods, and working environment facilities.
