Yakuza@iamtheyakuza·Apr 13

Here we go again 👀👀

Have a good Thursday everyone

Btw, What’s your fav transport?




Drop your emoji in the comments.

I’ll let you know mine later 😛

Post by @iamtheyakuza.lens
  • Kekverse@kekverse·Apr 14

    lambo ser

    Comment by @kekverse.lens
    • Bashshar@metamaskswap·Apr 14


      • Lorry@27742·Apr 14


        • metamask-dao@88661·Apr 14

          hava a nice trip 🌸

          • Black@thanhdao8888·Apr 13


            • Irem Er@iremer·Apr 13

              hava a nice trip 🌸

              • Yakuza@iamtheyakuza·Apr 13

                @gizemalibas @jessyjeanne @punkess @mazemari @larryscruff here's my take away...

                After flying many miles and driving lots of km/Miles I'm rediscovering the pleasure of travelling by bus and train. Mainly bcs living in Central EU is easy to get anywhere, not expensive, not far and not so long.

                I love driving too @jessyjeanne.lens especially in Summer and long distance trips. I went by car from Birmingham, Uk to Split, Croatia and back 2 times! I went once from London to Lisbon and back also driving my lovely Mini Cooper by that time😀😀

                But I think now for me makes more sense to use a good long course bus or train. Also whilst travelling I can keep working and being online, rest, watch a movie, drink beers!! Ofc course the public transport to chose is subjective to budget, time constrains, location and so on.

                I prefer now to hop on a train or bus rather a flight if the journey is up to 5/6 hours and I'm not rushing. And still I want to travel overnight by train or bus longer distances!! Coming soon though!!

                I wish they'd have a train or bus from EU to Jamaica or Mexico 😃😃😃

                • 🚂 an emotional journey...

                  • 🏎️I love driving cars! Planes I like depending on the weather lmao

                    • MazeMari@mazemari·Apr 13

                      Aeroplane - one love 🧡

                      Aeroplane - one love 🧡
                      • Chola@chola·Apr 13
                        motorcycle dirt bike GIF
                        • 🚂 choo chooo

                          • AlicΞ@punkess·Apr 13

                            🚂 (by far)

                            • Wagmi Vendi@vendi·Apr 13

                              I live in Australia, so kangaroo 🦘
