Mismir@mismir·May 06

The moment has arrived. You can now obtain the key to our universe through Lens, acquiring it with your beloved currency, BONSAI.

The price is currently set at 3700 BONSAI. For fairness and sustainability concerns, The Archway shall be sold in batches of 25. We'll provide clarification in the upcoming days.

Here's the journey you must undertake to ensure The Archway finds its way to your sanctuary:

Collect the post → Comment your BASE address → Check your wallet within 24 hours

It's as simple as that. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. You can send us a message on Telegram at “@eduardmsmr%E2%80%9D if you need assistance or guidance!

Once again, we're sharing a message previously conveyed by the visionary behind Mismir, so you can understand the importance and significance of The Archway:

The Archway is the first piece of Mismir, imbued with all the values I hold dear. It encompasses all the elements that serve as the foundation of Mismir, my beloved fashion brand soon to be regarded as a piece of art. From The Prologue, its inaugural garment, to Dremis, the garden of Dreams and people, and to Mirisity, our beloved reimagined rose, it embodies them all.

The Archway represents the beginning of a journey filled with love, kindness, and empathy, one that heads towards the elements that drive me, and implicitly the brand itself: expression, connection, and empowerment.

The Archway serves as the gateway to a plethora of experiences and benefits within Mismir. From redeeming the physical version of The Prologue and claiming Dremis to engaging in co-creation, expressing and empowering yourself, and exploring various digital and physical products and experiences, it unlocks the full spectrum of opportunities.

Moreover, it offers the chance to delve deeper into the story of Mirisity and participate in its co-creation. In essence, The Archway represents the key to accessing all that Mismir has to offer.

I'm excited to meet you and embark on a journey together. Let's redefine not only the boundaries of fashion but life itself! Mismir is about creating a brighter future for humanity—one where love, kindness, and empathy reign supreme.

With love,
