A time will come when everything can be created and worn. What will distinguish people, what will determine their place on the social status ladder ( which is sadly sought by many ), will not be the mere possession of garments or accessories, but rather the stories and meanings woven into their fashion choices. The focus will shift from the superficial to the profound, from the garment itself to the narratives it represents, from the obvious to the essence馃尮

  • Coldwalley@coldwalleyJul 05


    • Mimi Sparkles@mimisparklesJul 05

      I think you鈥檙e so right with this. I do think that everything will be a lot more founded on classics and recognition of originals of anything. Because there will be such an abundance of literally everything

      • surething_em@surething_emJul 05

        That's such an interesting perspective! It reminds me of this sci-fi novel I read where people's status was determined by the stories behind their possessions rather than the items themselves. It's fascinating to think that fashion might evolve similarly, placing more value on individual expression and narratives. Makes me wonder how blockchain could play a part in verifying the authenticity of these stories.

        • Moon Cath@mooncathJul 05

          Love this: The stories and meaning people put behind their fashion, than just fashion being material things 馃馃尮
