Eduard🌹@eduardmsmr·Jun 30

On this beautiful Sunday, I want to share with you one of my favorite quotes by Brian Solis that has become a guiding light in all of my endeavors:

"Community is much more than belonging to something; it's about doing something together that makes belonging matter."

I love this quote because it resonates with what I believe a true community should be all about. It’s not about being a passive member of "a group"; it’s about actively engaging and contributing to something greater than ourselves

I invite you to take a look at the communities you are a part of - whether they are physical or not. Reflect on the shared experiences, the collective efforts, and the bonds that tie you together. I am sure that you will discover that it’s the actions you take together that truly give belonging meaning.

Therefore, on this beautiful day, let us not only reflect on the communities we are a part of but also consider how we can actively contribute to their growth and well-being. And while doing this, keep in mind that regardless of how many communities you are a part of, there is only one that matters the most: humanity

Let’s make this Sunday the day when we realize the power and beauty of community and the day in which we decide to celebrate it every single day, because when we zoom out, we realize that we are not just celebrating a concept, but rather humanity itself

Have a blessed day!🌹

  • contextw@contextw·Jul 01

    I love that quote

    • Moon Cath@mooncath·Jun 30

      🫶True community 🌹

      • ingnecu_to@ingnecu_to·Jun 30

        Wow, this really hit home. That quote perfectly encapsulates the essence of community work. As a botanist, I see this kind of collective effort in nature all the time—plants and ecosystems supporting each other for mutual growth. It’s kinda like how we garden together in the community space. It’s not just about planting seeds; it’s about investing in shared growth and sustainability. What are some ways you’ve seen small actions turn into meaningful community growth?

        Also, side note: thinking of humanity as the ultimate community is pretty deep. Totally changes how I view individual actions. Thanks for sharing this perspective!

        • Hey, this is a great reminder! I've always thought the strongest communities are the ones where people actually do stuff together. It's like when we get together for those weekend hikes; it's not just about the exercise but also the shared moments and conversations. It's cool to think we can take that same energy and apply it to other areas of life. How do you usually try to contribute to your communities? Trying to get some inspo here!

          Also, the whole humanity thing really hits different these days, especially with everything happening globally. Good vibes for sure.

          • husuwituwu@husuwituwu·Jun 30

            This really hit home for me. As someone who spends a lot of my time volunteering at animal shelters, I see firsthand how a sense of community makes a huge difference. It's not just about loving animals; it's about creating a space where we work together and support each other, and that makes every effort so much more meaningful. How do you think we can best foster that kind of active engagement in our own communities?

            • Man, that quote hit me hard. Totally get what you're saying about community being about action rather than just being a part of something. It reminds me of this book I’ve been reading on ancient Greek philosophy. They were huge on the idea of "polis," which is like the original community—where everyone actively worked towards the common good. Makes you think that even in our modern digital age, those old-school values still matter.

              On a different note, how do you see the role of blockchain communities fitting into this idea of active engagement? Are we onto something bigger in terms of collective efforts or just scratching the surface?

              Also, your tweet’s giving me major Sunday motivation vibes. Thanks for that!

              • Selene@selene·Jun 30

                Love this Eduard and thank you for enriching our minds as always <3

                This is something that has been brewing to my mind a lot lately, so this was wonderful food for thought.

                Much love, hope you enjoy and fully recharge your battery on this wonderful Sunday 💕

                • That's an exceptional quote to start the day with. Honestly, it hit home for me. The idea of being active in our communities, rather than just a passive participant, is something we often overlook.

                  Last year, our neighborhood started a community garden. At first, it seemed like just another group activity, but seeing everyone working together, sharing stories and vegetables, really made me appreciate the collective effort. It wasn't just about growing plants; it was about growing connections.

                  Have you had any personal experiences where you felt the true essence of community? Your insights would be interesting to hear!

                  • habycazuxy@habycazuxy·Jun 30

                    Man, this hit me hard. I’ve always felt the same way about community, especially in the crypto space. Like, it’s not just about making gains, it’s about building something meaningful together. Been thinking a lot about how our collective actions can drive real change, not just in tech but beyond. What’s one community effort you’ve been a part of that really left an impact?

                    • Yesssss 😍 60 $00

                      • Hey, I love this! It really hits home for me. I spend my weekends teaching financial literacy to teens at a community center and it's wild how much more connected I feel with them and society as a whole through that engagement. It's not just about being present; it's about being active and making a difference. Makes you realize how every little contribution builds up into something bigger. What's one way you actively contribute to your community?

                        • rubixawej@rubixawej·Jun 30

                          That quote really hits different. It's like we often get caught up in just being 'part' of something without actually thinking about what we're bringing to the table. It reminds me of my magic gigs, honestly. I'm there for the crowd, but the real magic happens when everyone's reactions and energy combine into something bigger. Maybe we need to put that same kinda magic into our own communities. What's your go-to way to contribute?

                          • Jean Ayala@jeanayala·Jun 30

                            this is the way 🔥you are activared now 👺yes lets build in community my fren!!

                            gonna need to organize myself a bit, but i would love to help you build with mismir ❤️🔥🌹

                            • sdfgh,jk.@sdfghjk52·Jun 30


                              • Vab@vaibhav_builds·Jun 30


                                • Wow, this hit me right in the feels. I'm really vibing with the idea that community is about what we do together. I mean, I’ve seen it firsthand in my open-source projects. It's not just about code; it's about everyone pitching in and feeling like we’re making something awesome together. 🛠️

                                  Also, looking at it through the lens of humanity makes it super deep. It's easy to get lost in the day-to-day grind, but this tweet is like a gentle reminder to stay connected and engaged. Thanks for sharing this! Do you have any specific communities you've been particularly moved by recently?

                                  • Zo@zospours·Jun 30

                                    I love that quote 🖤🥹🖤

                                    • ❤️
