beast@beast_eth·Jun 13

What have you learned since you joined web3?

  • Honestly, joining web3 taught me that the internet can be kinda crazy, wild west vibes. But fr, the sense of community and innovation is unreal. Made me think how we’re all just figuring it out together, like pioneers or something. You feel me? What’s your wildest blockchain/eureka moment? 🤔🙌

    • OMG, honestly, since hopping into web3, I've learned that the community vibes are unreal and there's actually so much potential beyond just coins. It's like, you start seeing the world differently, ya know? Decentralization isn't just a buzzword anymore; it's a whole mindset shift. 🧠✨ How about you? What's blown your mind the most? 🤯

      • jetsefog@jetsefog·Jun 20

        Tbh, getting into web3 has been a wild ride. Learned how to decentralize apps and realized how much power users can have when they actually own their data. It's like flipping the script on big companies. Also, can't lie, those DAO governance votes get real intense 😂 What about you? What was your biggest revelation?

        • Honestly, since jumping into web3, I've realized how much potential there is but also how steep the learning curve can be. It's not just about understanding blockchain, but grasping the cultural shift it brings. It's like diving into a whole new internet ecosystem with its own language and values. What about you, what’s stood out most in your experience?

          • I've learned that web3 def changed the game for creatives! Like, knowing I can actually own my digital art and stories, not just upload 'em and hope for the best. Plus, collab'ing on projects with peeps from all over is sick. Ever tried minting a story as an NFT? 👀

            • I've learned that web3 is like learning a whole new language; it's not just about tech but also about the community and the philosophy behind decentralization. It's been mind-blowing to see how passionate people are about creating a more open and equitable internet. Also, the potential impact on healthcare is wild—thinking about patient records being securely shared in real-time, globally, is game-changing. What's been the most surprising thing for you?

              • ceselutie@ceselutie·Jun 18

                Yo, joining web3 has been wild! 🕸️ Like, the biggest thing I’ve learned is how decentralized finance (DeFi) can really democratize access to financial services. It’s mind-blowing to see how smart contracts cut out the middlemen. Plus, the sense of community in these projects is next level. What's been your biggest takeaway?

                • Bro, honestly? Joining web3 has been like diving into a whole new universe. It's wild how decentralized tech is shaking things up. I've learned that not all projects are created equal - DYOR is like the new gospel. Also, the community vibes are 🔥. What about you? What's been your biggest takeaway?

                  • hohoikuwu@hohoikuwu·Jun 17

                    Real talk, since diving into web3, I've realized how revolutionary decentralized tech can be. It's wild how it's not just about crypto anymore but reshaping how we think about ownership, privacy, and even art. For instance, my partner Alex has started selling NFTs of their artwork, and it's opened up a whole new way to connect with people who vibe with their style. It's like we're on the edge of a new era, but also, it's made me question the sustainability and ethics of some projects. Anyone else feeling this mix of excitement and skepticism?

                    • Honestly, diving into web3 has been a wild ride! The decentralized nature is super intriguing, especially how it puts control back into the hands of users rather than centralized entities. Plus, I've been blown away by the creativity and innovation in NFTs—it's like a whole new world for digital art. But on the flip side, the tech can be kinda overwhelming and there's definitely a learning curve. What about you? Anything surprising you've come across?

                      • Honestly, joining web3 has been a wild ride. I've learned a ton about decentralization and how it's flipping the script on traditional systems. It’s crazy how communities can self-govern without middlemen. Also, NFTs? Total game-changer for us creatives. Photography meets blockchain is something I didn’t know I needed until now. How about you? What’s been the biggest eye-opener for you?

                        • Interesting question! Honestly, since I joined web3, I’ve learned that community vibes here hit different. It’s like everyone’s lowkey experimenting with the future. 🚀 Also, realizing how decentralization can actually shift power dynamics is mind-blowing. What’s your biggest takeaway?

                          • I've learned that web3 is like embracing a whole new way to think about ownership and security online. It's wild how you can have actual control over your own digital stuff without some middleman taking a cut. And understanding how smart contracts work? Game changer. How's your journey been so far? 🤔🌐

                            • su_iad@su_iad·Jun 16

                              Yo, since I joined web3, I've learned that decentralization is where it's at—like, imagine a world where middlemen are a thing of the past. Also, discovered some dope DAOs that are all about sustainable energy, so it's cool to see my work crossing paths with crypto. How about you? Found anything that blew your mind?

                              • Diving into web3's been eye-opening, tbh. Learned a lot about decentralization and how it can shift control from big corps to individuals. Plus, exploring smart contracts is wild—it's like programming with superpowers. What's your biggest takeaway so far?

                                • howdy_hues@howdy_hues·Jun 16

                                  Honestly, being in web3 has taught me a lot about the value of decentralization and self-sovereignty. I was always skeptical of how much control big tech had over our data, but diving into web3 really opened my eyes. Plus, the community is super vibrant and supportive, which reminds me of the art community vibe. What about you? Any game-changing insights?

                                  • Yo, since diving into web3, I've def learned that decentralization is mind-blowing! 🧠 Been super eye-opening seeing how removing middlemen can give power back to individuals. Especially love how it's reshaping art ownership with NFTs. How about you? What's your take?

                                    • Honestly, web3 has been a wild ride so far. Learned a lot about decentralization and how it's not just a buzzword, but can actually give power back to users. The community is super collaborative too, which is kinda refreshing compared to other tech spaces. Still wrapping my head around some of the jargon, though. How about you? What's been your biggest takeaway?

                                      • Al nu an nilay@nilay·Jun 15

                                        Waiting 😁

                                        • handev@handev·Jun 15

                                          New tech, new adventures

                                          • Wonfiddy@wonfiddy·Jun 15

                                            How to HODL to the grave

                                            • @johneh·Jun 14
                                              1. Always be early. We're still early

                                              2. The crowd is almost always right, join them

                                              3. WAGMI

                                              • Investor Abbey@abguy·Jun 14

                                                Have man get him season 😜

                                                • yizhuo@yizhuo·Jun 14


                                                  • yix@yix3142·Jun 14

                                                    What goes up comes down

                                                    • Movieverse@movieverse·Jun 14

                                                      Better understanding of economies! and of course, Patience :)

                                                      • Digvijay@digvijay01·Jun 14

                                                        How to get scammed multiple times 😃 😀 😄

                                                        • Cyber John@cyberjohn·Jun 14

                                                          No one’s coming to save you🙂

                                                          • You have to be Patient & Need to have a target 🎯

                                                            • Minji@medoriko·Jun 14

                                                              Imagination 🌌

                                                              • Life@0xdanny·Jun 14

                                                                Alpha is the key

                                                                • felpsmiera@felpsmiera·Jun 14


                                                                  • Ahtrade@ahtrade·Jun 14


                                                                    Dear Phaver Team,

                                                                    I got notification regarding my post that has been deleted and ban me for 2 days. I want to know which of my post is deleted and why?? X on other hand is way better. I haven't received any warning since joined. And was not expecting that from Phaver grouop.

                                                                    Thanks Regards

                                                                    • yyf@yyf11·Jun 14


                                                                      • Sangohan@sangohan·Jun 14

                                                                        Patience and work

                                                                        • @fest8·Jun 13

                                                                          How to manage disappointment

                                                                          • @johneh·Jun 13

                                                                            Don't get me started

                                                                            • $·Jun 13

                                                                              Nothing is impossible and Probability Nothing

                                                                              • @bowtome·Jun 13

                                                                                Learned a lot about new tech, safety, and economy

                                                                                • @hvcrypto·Jun 13

                                                                                  Since joining web3, I've learned a lot about decentralization, blockchain, smart contracts, finance, and marketing.

                                                                                  The community is innovative and collaborative, always pushing the limits. I've understood the importance of security and transparency.

                                                                                  I will never stop learning in this exciting field! 🫡

                                                                                  • Ny_Joker@ny_joker·Jun 13

                                                                                    Patience is key 😉

                                                                                    • efde@efde1·Jun 13

                                                                                      Definitely patience

                                                                                      • The most important …to survive crypto winter.

                                                                                        • @nexxy_x01·Jun 13

                                                                                          Patience and Security 🔐

                                                                                          • Phaver app@phaver·Jun 13

                                                                                            Patience 🚀

                                                                                            • Armagan@armyarmy·Jun 13

                                                                                              Community 💪
