#KairaTopic: EDCON203 📍 Montenegro

Hello everyone! 🥳 Who's going to EDCON2023 in Montenegro next month? 👀 Six members of #BUchain will be there! If you want our merch and meet our team irl, you can book your tickets with a 20% promo code by "BUCHAIN" in general tickets! Buy your discounted tickets now and join us in this thrilling and one of the biggest events in the Ethereum community! 👇🏻 🔗 <edcon.io/ticket>

#edcon #edcon2023 #buchain #ethereum

  • Mesut@mesutgulecen·Apr 13

    I'll be at EDCON 2023 and would love to meet fellow Lens enthusiasts there! ✌️ Montenegro has amazing views, historical sites, nature, and beaches. Don't forget to take some time for a mini-vacation too!

    • I'll be there, and I am so excited to attend #EDCON2023 next month!! I'm sure Montenegro will be a great host for the #Ethereum community! ✨
