WAV3S@wav3s·Feb 01

🌊🌊🌊 Maximize Your Wav3 🌊🌊🌊

After a month and more than 100 wav3s , our team came to realize what really makes a wav3 go viral, and here are 3 tips that will help you:

  1. A wav3 is a booster for the post, so if a post is good because it either delivers value to the community or it's an amazing NFT or something else, the stats that post was going to have will multiply, on the other hand, if it's a boring, typical post that people don't want to share, you’ll be lucky if you only get mirrors until the target is reached!

  2. Choose the right reward, we've seen some wav3s with a minimum of 1000 followers and rewards of 0.1 WMatic, probably won't reach the target they wanted, it has to be a motivating reward cause few people have those followers.

  3. We've seen extraordinary results by giving rewards with a minimum of 30 followers, since many Front End gives priority to posts with more interaction or more mirrors and if many people with few followers share you, you will reach higher and higher in the feed and everyone will see your post.

We hope that with these tips, you can be the next viral post on Lens 🌿!

Join our Discord if you have any questions or want to give us feedback, or even if you just want to say hello!
